Sarin Smoke – Vent

here is the NFO file from Indietorrents

Uploaded by mojfaj 1 year, 6 months ago

Artist……………: Sarin Smoke

Album…………….: Vent


Source……………: NMR

Year……………..: 2012

Ripper……………: NMR

Codec…………….: LAME 3.97

Version…………..: MPEG 1 Layer III

Quality…………..: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)

Channels………….: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz

Tags……………..: , ID3 v2.3


Ripped by…………: NMR

Posted by…………: somebody on 2012-11-02

News Server……….:

News Group(s)……..: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.m

Included………….: NFO




1. Sarin Smoke – Atmen Ein [06:09]

2. Sarin Smoke – Upsound [03:35]

3. Sarin Smoke – Pranayama [11:13]

4. Sarin Smoke – Black Mercury [09:56]

5. Sarin Smoke – Vent [03:40]

6. Sarin Smoke – Atmen Aus [07:31]

Playing Time………: 42:07

Total Size………..: 96,44 MB

NFO generated on…..: 2012-11-02 08:48:16


Write anything you want… ;)


:: Generated by Music NFO Builder v1.21a – ::

Album info


With instrumental music that’s droney or noisy, titles are often open-ended, or at least don’t convey much literal information about the sounds within. But the names of the two albums by Sarin Smoke– a guitar collaboration between Tom Carter (Charalambides) and Pete Swanson (Yellow Swans)– are actually instructive. 2007’s Smokescreen was generally spacious and minimal, at times sounding like it was recorded behind a veil. Vent, on the other hand, is bold and upfront sounding. Very little is cloaked or held back, and the lack of restraint feels purposeful. When Carter and Swanson dispense their searing guitar strains, it sounds like they’re getting something off their chests.

Not that this is angry or fervent music– in fact, Vent and Smokescreen are linked by a common sense of thoughtful calm. Carter and Swanson are more interested in absorbing each other’s sounds and advancing their conversation than racing to a loud finish line. Even when things get super dense– which happens at least once in all six tracks– there’s a serenity to the proceedings, a feeling that the pair is as focused on the decaying trails behind its guitar pyrotechnics as the initial sparks that caused them.

Vent does start with a bang, in the form of a few fuzzy detonations in opener “Atmen Ein”. But they are patient explosions, more likely to massage brainwaves than spike adrenaline. Here and throughout the album, Carter and Swanson are like lab technicians studying the effects of guitar abstraction on human physiology. Sounds pulse and scratch like needles scraping out a polygraph pattern; shards of distortion and overload beep and blip like a blurry heart monitor. There’s also a sky-staring stoner vibe– parts of Vent are like psych-rock solos freed from songs and lit up, similar to Bardo Pond’s farther-out journeys or Neil Young’s feedback collage, Arc. As with those precedents, Sarin Smoke’s sound has a lie-on-the-floor languidity, but it’s never sleepy. If anything, it wants to stone you awake with its busy, forward-moving noise.

Forward motion has been a constant throughout the careers of both of these men (Carter is so future-focused he’s already back to performing not long after a serious bout with pneumonia; proceeds from the sales of Vent go to his relief fund). And both of their careers have covered so much ground that it’s tough to choose which portions are represented here. If pressed, I’d say Swanson’s playing recalls the star-beam guitar so effective on 2011’s I Don’t Rock at All, while Carter has climbed similar mountains on Charalambides’ Joy Shapes and Historic 6th Ward. But with Vent the pair has gone a good ways to carving out its own shared history, one that will hopefully continue.

ps album is sold out