Girls Against Boys – Bluebird

here is the info file form Dime

Girls Against Boys

Bluebird Theater

Denver, CO (USA)


Recorded by SxPxDxCx & Chapper

Source: Neumann SKM140s?* >MP2>ADC20>Sharp 722 minidisc

Transfer: MD-722 (Analog) > SBLive > Cooledit > CDWave > FLAC

Time: (58:51.06)

* Not sure on the mics.

I remember Chapper used these at other shows we recorded around the same time.

01 Tucked-in

02 Cruise Your New Baby Fly Self

03 All The Rage

04 Crash 17 (x-rated Car)

05 Wilmington

06 TheKindaMzkYouLike

07 The Come Down

08 Disco Six Six Six

09 Bullet Proof Cupid

10 Vera Cruz

11 Super-fire

12 Let Me Come Back

13 – encore –

14 Basstation

15 BFF

16 Kill The Sexplayer