Mix 143 – My Life Is Shit

workin’ nights

Mix 143 My Life Is Shit

01. Rudimentary Peni – Mercy of Slumber (UK 2004)

02. Bad Noids – Roth’s Children/Lizard People (Cleveland 2013)

03. Beta Boys – Society Bad (Kansas City 2014)

04. Batworm – Vomit In the Snow (Philadelphia 2014)

05. Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers – Need a Crime (Italy 1983)

06. Blank Spell – Hole (Philadelphia 2014)

07. G.I.S.M. – Fire (Japan 1983)

08. Kurraka – Hermanas De La Oscuridad (Austin 2012)

09. L.O.T.I.O.N. – Genetic Warfare (NYC 2013)

10. Tozibabe – Dezuje (Yugoslavia 1986)

11. Muerte – Tortura (Mexico City 2013)

12. Rakta – Life comes from death (Brazil 2013

13. Zos Kia – Poisons (UK 1984)

14. Missing Foundation – Your House Is Mine (NYC 1988)

15. Virus – Society’s Orphans (NYC 1982)

16. Stick Men With Ray Guns – 1,000 Lives(To Die) (Dallas 1982)

17. DDT – I’m Walking Down The Psychopath (Atlanta 1983)

18. Sink Manhattan – Bleakhouse (Philadelphia 1988)

19. PIG DNA – Lies (Oakland 2013)

20. Billy Bao – My Life Is Shit (Basque 2008)

By Eric Owens

