Panda Bear – Crosswords EP

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Artist: Panda Bear

Album: Crosswords

Label: Domino

Year: 2015

Genre: Electronic

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE

Encoder: XLD

Sample Rate: 44,1 kHz

Codec: LAME

Avg Bit Rate: 320 kbps

Description / Review:


On Crosswords EP, Noah Lennox bequeaths five fresh and finely observed body-pop wonders – three new songs: No Mans Land, Jabberwocky and Cosplay – and two re-castings of previous ore – “The Preakness” – previously heard in spirited demo form on 2012’s Tomboy LP boxset – and the whole shebang treasure-topped with a fresh take on his PBVSGR soul tour de force Crosswords.

The EP explores Noah Lennox’s alchemical use of earthy base elements and life affirming reports from the front to conjure up his trademark transports to the Goldilock’s zone and comes appropriately enveloped in eye-popping fashion with artwork by Swiss artist Marco Papiro and with custom type-faces by Black Dice’s Bjorn Copeland.

Aided on studio production duties by Sonic Boom, the five EP tracks take us tumbling down the metaphorical rabbit hole once moreÉ as Noah’s latest Adventures in Wonderland continue .

The effects are instant. Mighty morphing power arrangements emerge blinking from flick-flack intros that you’d swear were aided and abetted by the Mad Hatter himself. Time-lapse transitions spin past with a blink and you’ll miss it accuracy. Caffeinated rhythms, filtered from an apparently over-sized and uniquely patinated pot, spill out throughout. Zero point shudders of synthesized springs conspire with globular spongiform basslines, bustling at the seams. All circled by a hovering confidence of voices, oblivious to the chaos surrounding, conducting the controlled confusion of the improbably arranged tones and textures – like Space Family Robinson yodels for the 21st century.

Track Listing


[01/05] Crosswords (EP Mix) (3:35)

[02/05] No Mans Land (3:46)

[03/05] Jabberwocky (4:45)

[04/05] The Preakness (4:11)

[05/05] Cosplay (4:44)

Total playing time: 21:01

Generated: venerd“ 21 agosto 2015 11:33:33

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1