Vibracathedral Orchestra – Versatile Arab Chord Chart

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Artist: Vibracathedral Orchestra

Album: Versatile Arab Chord Chart

Label: VHF

Year: 1999

Genre: Psychedelic

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE

Encoder: XLD

Sample Rate: 44,1 kHz

Codec: LAME

Avg Bit Rate: 206 kbps

Posted by: gnombyX

Description / Review:


“About an hour after I first put on Versatile Arab Chord Chart, the CD ended. It took me about five minutes to realize this, as I could still hear the ringing overtones that filled the entire disc. The air around my head was still ringing and buzzing, and whenever I moved my head, the sound would wash out like a wah-wah had been placed on it. I’m not sure exactly what instrumentation is used, though guitars and stringed instruments are most evident, both strummed and bowed. There is lots of crazy, active percussion–things clattering and jangling around, and lots of ringing sounds. A violin is definitely in the mix, and possibly an organ. The recording is very much a “room sound,” and although it’s difficult to distinguish all of the instruments at times, the music really jumps off the tape anyway. The overtones just become so intense that it’s really hard to tell what is producing what, but it doesn’t really matter.”

Track Listing


[01/09] Wearing Quid Frock (2:13)

[02/09] The Least Painful Earrings (8:54)

[03/09] Aeolian Cistern (7:00)

[04/09] Catching Loners with Blank Arm (2:48)

[05/09] Still Leaking/Breaking (3:18)

[06/09] Ordinary Babies (3:02)

[07/09] Japan Banjo (16:00)

[08/09] Caked (3:58)

[09/09] Sound of Sleat (14:44)

Total playing time: 61:57

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