The Real Tuesday Weld – The London Book Of The Dead

here is the NFO file from Indietorrents

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≤€≤≤€ Artist.....[ The Real Tuesday Weld fl€€€€‹€≤
€€≤fl Album......[ The London Book Of The Dead fl≤€€
‹ €≤€ € Label......[ Six Degrees Records € €≤€ ‹
€±€≤€‹fl Catalog #..[ fl‹€≤€±€
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≤€fl flfl€≤€± Source.....[ CD ±€≤€flfl fl€≤
≤€‹ fl‹ €€≤ Genre......[ Indie ≤€€ ‹fl ‹€≤
≤≤€≤fl €€ Language...[ English €€ fl≤€≤≤
fl ‹€€€€ Rip Date...[ 2007-11-05 €€€€‹ fl
‹ fl ≤€≤ Store Date.[ 2007-08-28 ≤€≤ fl ‹
€flfl ‹≤€fl Rip Tool...[ EAC fl€≤‹ flfl€
≤€‹€€€€fl Encoder....[ LAME 3.97 -V2 --vbr-new fl€€€€‹€≤
fl€≤fl Quality....[ 165 kbps AVG VBR 44.1/Joint Stereo fl≤€fl
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€≤ 01 Blood Sugar Love 3:15 ≤€
€≤ 02 The Decline And Fall Of The Clerkenwell 2:59 ≤€
€≤ Kid ≤€
€≤ 03 It's A Wonderful Li(F)E 3:09 ≤€
€≤ 04 Cloud Cuckooland 3:15 ≤€
€≤ 05 Kix 3:03 ≤€
€≤ 06 Love Sugar Blood 1:07 ≤€
€≤ 07 I Loved London 3:06 ≤€
€≤ 08 I Believe 3:45 ≤€
€≤ 09 Song For William 1:06 ≤€
€≤ 10 Waltz For One 1:53 ≤€
€≤ 11 Ruth Roses And Revolvers 3:51 ≤€
€≤ 12 Dorothy Parker Blue 4:52 ≤€
€≤ 13 Last Words 4:54 ≤€
€≤ 14 Into The Trees 1:19 ≤€
€≤ 15 Bringing The Body Back Home 5:48 ≤€
€≤ 16 Apart 1:27 ≤€
€≤ ----- ≤€
€≤ 48:49 ≤€
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€∞€ The first thing that strikes you about any album €∞€
€∞€ by Stephen Coates (a.k.a. The Real Tuesday Weld) €∞€
€∞€ is the fact that every element in his €∞€
€∞€ compositions seems to be drawn from sources many €∞€
€∞€ decades old. The second thing that strikes you is €∞€
€∞€ that his music sounds completely new. €∞€
€∞€ €∞€
€∞€ For Coates, the breakthrough in his professional €∞€
€∞€ journey came in the form of a pair of surreal €∞€
€∞€ dreams in which he was visited by the legendary €∞€
€∞€ English music hall singer Al Bowlly and the late €∞€
€∞€ actress Tuesday Weld. These experiences convinced €∞€
€∞€ him to focus on a career in music and eventually €∞€
€∞€ led to the recording of an EP (The Valentine EP), €∞€
€∞€ which would be followed shortly by the €∞€
€∞€ full-length When Cupid Meets Psyche. His €∞€
€∞€ sophomore album and debut on Six Degrees is a €∞€
€∞€ deeply complex and lovely full-length CD titled €∞€
€∞€ I, Lucifer. The album is a conceived soundtrack €∞€
€∞€ to Glen Duncan's (Coates' friend and former €∞€
€∞€ flatmate) book of the same name about the Devil's €∞€
€∞€ take on humanity. Coates's follow-up release on €∞€
€∞€ Six Degrees, The Return of the Clerkenwell Kid, €∞€
€∞€ continued to develop what Coates has come to call €∞€
€∞€ his "antique beat" sound, putting modern €∞€
€∞€ technology to the task of creating new music out €∞€
€∞€ of a kaleidoscopic array of old sound sources. €∞€
€∞€ The sound of The Return of the Clerkenwell Kid €∞€
€∞€ was somewhat different from that of its €∞€
€∞€ predecessor, but the modus operandi remained €∞€
€∞€ basically the same and no one would ever mistake €∞€
€∞€ it for anything other than a Real Tuesday Weld €∞€
€∞€ album. €∞€
€∞€ €∞€
€∞€ Which brings us to his latest, and anxiously €∞€
€∞€ awaited, album for the Six Degrees label. The €∞€
€∞€ London Book of the Dead may sound at first like a €∞€
€∞€ startlingly morose title, but in fact it's more €∞€
€∞€ whimsically humorous than morbid. It refers to €∞€
€∞€ the Bardo Thodol (or Tibetan Book of the Dead), €∞€
€∞€ which describes the passage of the soul from the €∞€
€∞€ end of one life to the beginning of another. "I €∞€
€∞€ thought it would be funny if there were a book €∞€
€∞€ like that for the English," says Coates. "The €∞€
€∞€ album felt like that to me ñ a way of moving from €∞€
€∞€ one state to another, and all set against the €∞€
€∞€ backdrop of this city." €∞€
€∞€ €∞€
€∞€ Amongst the whimsy and humor are lyrical concerns €∞€
€∞€ drifting between such weighty topics as death, €∞€
€∞€ religious faith, honesty, drugs, and disease. The €∞€
€∞€ songs are informed in part by Coates's own recent €∞€
€∞€ passage through several significant events: "Last €∞€
€∞€ year I became a father, and then two weeks later €∞€
€∞€ my own father died," he says. "So I was in this €∞€
€∞€ kind of psychic spin between birth and death, and €∞€
€∞€ this album came out of that in some way." €∞€
€∞€ €∞€
€∞€ But even when the going gets dark and €∞€
€∞€ introspective, there's an element of musical €∞€
€∞€ whimsy that is never far from the surface. €∞€
€∞€ Consider, for example, "Kix" ñ a gently humorous €∞€
€∞€ expression of romantic realism ("I don't get my €∞€
€∞€ kicks out of you/I don't feel the way I used to") €∞€
€∞€ in which he praises the object of his affection €∞€
€∞€ for her qualities but acknowledges that drugs and €∞€
€∞€ drink now offer him more of a charge than she €∞€
€∞€ does. It's ultimately a rather bitter song, but €∞€
€∞€ it's also an explicitly funny sendup of the Cole €∞€
€∞€ Porter standard "I Get a Kick Out of You," an €∞€
€∞€ American Songbook classic that expresses just the €∞€
€∞€ opposite sentiment. Coates juxtaposes his lyrical €∞€
€∞€ inversion of Porter's original with a similarly €∞€
€∞€ inverted musical accompaniment ñ one that takes €∞€
€∞€ swinging clarinet and gypsy-jazz violin and pairs €∞€
€∞€ them with the kind of gently thumping beat (and €∞€
€∞€ subtly elegant turntable flourishes). €∞€
€∞€ €∞€
€∞€ In fact, sly juxtaposition is the rule everywhere €∞€
€∞€ on this fascinating album: "The Decline and Fall €∞€
€∞€ of the Clerkenwell Kid" starts out with bluegrass €∞€
€∞€ banjo, which then segues into a section featuring €∞€
€∞€ a melancholy clarinet; the two are later joined €∞€
€∞€ and combined with a fragmentary spoken word €∞€
€∞€ section. On "It's a Wonderful Li(f)e," a jazzy €∞€
€∞€ instrumental setting is provided for the €∞€
€∞€ decidedly dour lines "You say it's a wonderful €∞€
€∞€ life" and "You know that's a wonderful lie." On €∞€
€∞€ "I Believe," Coates takes a leaf from U2's lyric €∞€
€∞€ book and offers a litany of things in which he €∞€
€∞€ believes ñ but typically, the list is complicated €∞€
€∞€ and at times self-contradictory (it includes €∞€
€∞€ monogamy, lust, technique, sarcomas, and €∞€
€∞€ opiates). The last item on each list is "love," €∞€
€∞€ of course, but he manages to give even that €∞€
€∞€ obvious entry a twist that may or may not be €∞€
€∞€ ironic: "I believe in people who I believe €∞€
€∞€ believe in love." €∞€
€∞€ €∞€
€∞€ The album's emotional center is actually located €∞€
€∞€ at the end of the program: "Bringing the Body €∞€
€∞€ Back Home," despite its generally gloomy tone, €∞€
€∞€ it's a sweet and ultimately encouraging waltz €∞€
€∞€ that arrives at a philosophical conclusion: "Love €∞€
€∞€ is the one thing worth living for." If that line €∞€
€∞€ came at the end of a less thoughtful and €∞€
€∞€ complicated album (or maybe even at the beginning €∞€
€∞€ of this one) it would come across as merely €∞€
€∞€ banal. But as a coda to The London Book of the €∞€
€∞€ Dead, it feels like the hard-won conclusion to a €∞€
€∞€ long and difficult thought process ñ one that, €∞€
€∞€ despite its difficulty, has yielded tremendous €∞€
€∞€ and straightforward musical pleasure to those who €∞€
€∞€ witnessed it. €∞€
€∞€ €∞€
€∞€ The Real Tuesday Weld's music has fascinated more €∞€
€∞€ than just listeners and critics ñ it has also €∞€
€∞€ drawn the attention of major advertisers, and has €∞€
€∞€ been licensed to accompany ads for Cherry Coke €∞€
€∞€ (you may have seen the commercial in which €∞€
€∞€ cherries fall from the sky onto a bewildered but €∞€
€∞€ eventually delighted urban crowd, while Coates's €∞€
€∞€ "I Love the Rain" plays in the background) and €∞€
€∞€ for TV shows like Weeds (Showtime), Gilmore Girls €∞€
€∞€ (WB) and Nip/Tuck (FX). All of this speaks to not €∞€
€∞€ only to Coates's finely wrought sense of irony, €∞€
€∞€ but also to his "anything goes" musical approach: €∞€
€∞€ asked about his often unusual instrumental €∞€
€∞€ choices, he responds, "banjo, kazoo, potato €∞€
€∞€ peeler, you name it ñ I'll stick anything in." €∞€
€∞€ The London Book of the Dead is just one more €∞€
€∞€ example of how a wildly open attitude and a €∞€
€∞€ slightly mystical bent can result in a distinctly €∞€
€∞€ personal and wonderfully warm musical personality €∞€
€∞€ ñ one that uses technology enthusiastically and €∞€
€∞€ happily turns it against itself to create €∞€
€∞€ something that sounds more deeply human than most €∞€
€∞€ of the music made by analog means elsewhere €∞€
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