No-Neck Blues Band – Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones but Names Will Never Hurt Me

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Artist: The No-Neck Blues Band
Album: Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones but Names Will Never Hurt Me
Label: Koch
Year: 2001
Genre: General Unclassifiable

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE

Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Avg Bit Rate: 192 kbps

Posted by: smallpaul

Description / Review:
You’ll forgive me if I’m not up on my NNCK mythology. The fact that I bought this particular disc at a local Borders Books & Music store illustrates how out-of-the-loop I actually am. There’s an air of mystery around the phrase "No Neck Blues Bands"–I find it hard to believe it coincidental that the author of their "Bands Not in the Trouser Press Guide Guide" (available in Badaboom Gramophone #3, which is still available, if you know where to look) is named Adam Lore. This mythology is probably just a construct in my head, though, borne of ridiculously high praise and the scarcity of their actual work–word has it that the Band is just a group of New York musicians, joined by various other musicians from other places, making beautiful music.

From what I gather on this particular record, "beautiful music" means taking cues from the deepest, darkest blues, the sort of stuff that doesn’t even sound remotely blues-like (if you use modern-day blues as a reference point). This is stuff of a more tribal, spiritual nature–guitars and other stringed instruments picking out meandering melodies, sticks beating on wood blocks, people stomping their feet and chanting. Doesn’t really matter if there are actually 4 tracks on this disc (according to the insert) or 7 (according to my player). Doesn’t matter that Jerry Yester (a name formerly associated with performers like the Lovin’ Spoonful and Tim Buckley) produced these tracks. Doesn’t matter that the CD packaging consists of a CD tray glued to a wood block seared with the NNCK logo, with a rectangular plexiglass slab as the case’s lid. This is music that transcends all those meager details, hitting upon something primal, basic, and atavistic. This could very well be myth making. If Sticks and Stones… is your introduction to this hidden corner of popular music, you could find yourself at the beginning of an interesting trip.

Track Listing
[00/07] SASMBMBBNWNHM 1 (1:15) 192 kbps 1.73 MB
[00/07] SASMBMBBNWNHM 2 [natural bridge] (5:47) 192 kbps 7.94 MB
[00/07] SASMBMBBNWNHM 3 [assignment subud] (18:31) 192 kbps 25.44 MB
[00/07] SASMBMBBNWNHM 4 [back to the omind , I’d rather not go] (11:11) 192 kbps 15.36 MB
[00/07] SASMBMBBNWNHM 5 (7:08) 192 kbps 9.81 MB
[00/07] SASMBMBBNWNHM 6 (18:54) 192 kbps 25.97 MB
[00/07] SASMBMBBNWNHM 7 (13:01) 192 kbps 17.89 MB

Total number of files: 7
Total size of files: 104.17 MB
Total playing time: 75:47
Generated: Friday, April 11, 2008 5:18:26 PM

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1