Stone Temple Pilots – Temple Of Darkness

here is the info file from Dime

Stone Temple Pilots
Forest Lake, MN 7/16/93 + Crystal, MN 9/14/90

This is my first torrent so I hope it goes well. I have been completely overwhelmed by the incredible selection of music
available on this site in the short time that I have been a member, and have longed for something to contribute for a while,
and then I remembered this. I purchased this at a store in Santa Barbara, CA, as a 12 year old while driving the coast on
vacation with my family. The store was literally filled with bootlegs, and when I naively asked the storekeeper (with my
parents directly behind me) "where he got all his bootlegs," he simply smiled and told me they were fan club CD’s and he had
gotten them from fans. There were several other CDs that I had wanted that day, and wondered about for years, until I
discovered the beauty of the free trade online, thanks in large part to dime and to all you generous people.

Anyways I hope I did this right and that you all enjoy. I ripped the audio CD (silver) to WAV using DB Music Converter
and then encoded them with FLAC. If I am leaving any info out please let me know.

Both Shows are AUD recordings (I believe) and I would rate the ’93 show as a B and the ’90 show as an A-

There are definitely better quality shows circulating, including the Columbus tour opener that was posted here so quickly
(thanks again,) but I figured there would be some interest in these for their era. The band is raw sounding and tight as
ever. They play everything off Core except for piece of pie, so there are definitely some rareties (incl. wet my bed –
whodda thunk theyd ever play that live!!! Now someone has to 1-up me by upping a PJ show with Bugs, or an Alice show with
the untitled song from SAP.)

Forest Lake, MN. 7/16/93 (Venue is a park called Trout Air, I believe)

1) Crackerman
2) Wicked Garden
3) No Memory
4) Sin
5) Plush
6) Where The River Goes
7) Creep
8) Dead And Bloated
9) Sex Type Thing
10) Wet My Bed
11) Naked Sunday

Corey’s Bar And Grill – Crystal, MN. 9/14/90

12) It’s My Nightmare
13) You Don’t Know
14) Daisy
15) Another Day
16) I Hate Your Harley

btw, no, Daisy is not the same as the track on Tiny Music, far from it.

See these guys all summer!! Up their shows on Dime!!