Jayson Munro – Translucent Menagerie

Jayson Munro

This album took about 3 years to complete! Not because it took me that long to write the tracks but because of many situations that may or may not have been misfortunate. Aside from personal discord and procrastination postponing this album’s release there were a number of technical problems as well. Translucent Menagerie went from being a 25 minute Translucent Menagerie EP/demo to being a 100 minute Double LP. I condensed it to what it is currently, about 49-50 minutes. The tracks have been arranged and re-arranged probably dozens of times. And at one point the whole project was going to be thrown away, though a friend of mine convinced me that that would be bad… Anyway I hope you enjoy the album and get as much satisfaction from listening to it as I did finishing it.

This album was Mixed and completed in New Haven, Conn., though the bulk of the recordings were done in Danbury, Conn.

In addition: With exception of the backing vocal tracks on Sundown (track2) which were done by Travus, and Consequence (Track 14), which is a cover of a "Notwist" song, this album was written and performed by Jayson Munro.


Translucent Menagerie

1. River twists and turns
2. Sun down
3. Life in a haunted house (story of the old painting)
4. Across the room
5. Sleep
6. Vladimir Nadya Pt III
7. Jennifer
8. Lost in translation
9. Lonely in the garden this morning
10. 7 am
11. Nothing at all
12. Head ache
13. Spike
14. Consequence*
15. Silence

* Lyrics written by the Notwist

Copyright (c) 2007 by Jayson Munro