Akron/Family – Love Is Simple

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Artist: Akron/Family

Album: Love Is Simple

Label: Young God

Year: 2007

Genre: Alt. Folk

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE

Encoder: XLD

Sample Rate: 44,1 kHz

Codec: LAME

Avg Bit Rate: 235 kbps

Posted by: gnombyX

Description / Review:


To some folks the Akron/ Family probably sound like a bunch of slack jawed hippy yokels who like clapping too much and make a right shambling racket. And I guess if you thought that I probably wouldn’t argue, but I would add they have made/ are still making some of the most beautiful and important music made in the last few years. Here’s their new album and they’re still on Michael (bless him) Gira’s breathtaking Young God label. I think with any Akron album you have to sit and listen to it a few times before it seeps into your consciousness and boots your face off to the other side of the room (anywhere nearer wouldn’t be far enough away). While you sit their scrabbling around for your face you’ll be entranced by this beautiful masterpiece of songsmithery. is that a word?? These folks write such good tunes…. their music is rooted in Americana but is shrouded in total beauty with incredible songs like Don’t be Afraid, You’re Already Dead’ you’ll cack yourself with delight. Other songs have more of a 70’s thing going on and you can hear bits of Frank Zappa, Grateful Dead, Led Zep at times. It’s a funny ole diverse mix but it’s thoroughly coherent. This band are on a totally different planet to everyone else. It’s good that Young God have stuck with these cos I can see ’em just getting better and better.

Track Listing


[01/11] Love, Love, Love (Everyone) (1:46) 207 kbps 2, MB

[02/11] Ed Is A Portal (7:31) 257 kbps 13 MB

[03/11] Don’t Be Afraid, You’re Already Dead (4:36) 225 kbps 7, MB

[04/11] I’ve Got Some Friends (3:09) 250 kbps 5, MB

[05/11] Lake Song/New Ceremonial Music For Moms (7:24) 257 kbps 13 MB

[06/11] There’s So Many Colors (8:11) 232 kbps 13 MB

[07/11] Crickets (3:59) 231 kbps 6, MB

[08/11] Phenomena (3:46) 213 kbps 5, MB

[09/11] Pony’s O.G (5:20) 212 kbps 8, MB

[10/11] Of All The Things (7:41) 259 kbps 14 MB

[11/11] Love, Love, Love 2(Reprise) (3:07) 240 kbps 5, MB

Total number of files: 11

Total size of files: 96 MB

Total playing time: 56:30

Generated: mercoledì 17 febbraio 2010 22.28.27

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1