Musica Transonic with Keiji Haino – Musica Transonic with Keiji Haino

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Artist: Musica Transonic with Keiji Haino

Album: Musica Transonic with Keiji Haino (1998, PSF)

Label: PSF

Year: 1998

Genre: Noise Rock

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE


Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz


Avg Bit Rate: 192 kbps

Posted by: smallpaul

Description / Review:



Musica Transonic shares members with High Rise, Acid Mother’s Temple and Ruins, so I guess you know what that means: volume and feedback grit that really hurt the VU meter’s feelings. When I first heard of this collaboration, I was a bit concerned it might turn out to be a long slab of undecipherable noise density. Boy, was I wrong.

This CD is a pleasant surprise, as it’s only 32 minutes long and broken up into seven tracks. With Haino leading the way on vocals and guitars, there is actually quite a bit of dynamic (non-garden) variety. Lots of sudden time changes and shifts of attention occur—from the expected thick sound bushes to more subdued sections of hearable guitar milkweed and actual singing. With Nanjo Asahito from High Rise on bass, Kawabata Makoto from the awesome Acid Mother’s Temple and Toho Sara on guitar, and hyper drumming by Yoshida Tatsuya from Ruins. As usual for the PSF label, the cover artwork is amazing and features dozens of small, shooting stars swirling out from a black vortex right toward your face.

Track Listing


[01/07] Δαιμονια      (6:31) 192 kbps 9.01 MB

[02/07] Ποιεο       (3:40) 192 kbps 5.11 MB

[03/07] ΙΝΧYΒΑTION-ταυτα     (3:55) 192 kbps 5.45 MB

[04/07] ΙΝΧYΒΑTION-νορδεν     (1:50) 192 kbps 2.58 MB

[05/07] ΙΝΧYΒΑTION-αγνοστοσ Τηεοα    (7:59) 192 kbps 11.03 MB

[06/07] Γελοιοσ       (1:55) 192 kbps 2.70 MB

[07/07] Τοποσ       (6:25) 192 kbps 8.87 MB

Total number of files: 7

Total size of files: 44.79 MB

Total playing time: 32:15

Generated: Thursday, December 2, 2010 1:05:38 PM

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1