here is the NFO file from Indietorrents
Artist: Tronics
Album: Love Backed By Force 320
Label: What’s Your Rupture?
RIAA Radar Status: SAFE
Encoder: iTunes v10.2
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Codec: iTunes MP#
Avg Bit Rate: 320 kbps
Posted by: Mesmerize
Description / Review:
Track Listing
[01/13] Charlie Manson (2:01)
[02/13] Love Backed By Force (2:19)
[03/13] T.V. On In Bed (3:04)
[04/13] They’re Talking About Us (3:30)
[05/13] Ice Flod Festival (1:58)
[06/13] Ultra Pol (3:50)
[07/13] My Baby’s In A Coma (2:08)
[08/13] Min Dama (3:22)
[09/13] Spending Time (3:56)
[10/13] Love Tan (In ATwo Way Circus) (3:28)
[11/13] L.B.B.F. (Reprise) (3:01)
[12/13] Crush on You (1:57)
[13/13] Le Monde (1:46)
Total number of files: 13
Total playing time: 36:20
Generated: Friday, March 16, 2012 4:47:13 PM
Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1
Collage name # torrents
WFMU Heavy Airplay 2012 52
DIY Post-Punk 31
Album info
Reissue of UK DIY masterpiece
– WYR?
Reissue of 1981 cult LP by the Tronics. Love Backed By Force registers as an instant classic of outsider folk-pop, a true mutant of an LP that never sounds the same way twice. It may take a few listens for its pull to take effect, but once you settle into its orbit, it’ll be difficult to remove yourself. Music will never sound the same again, and in the world of Love Backed By Force, it doesn’t even sound the same from song to song on the same album.
– insound