Natural Snow Buildings – Live Sheffield & London 2012

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Artist: Natural Snow Buildings

Album: Live Sheffield & London 2012

Label: Blackest Bootlegs

Year: 2012

Genre: Psychedelic

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE

Encoder: XLD

Sample Rate: 44,1 kHz

Codec: LAME

Avg Bit Rate: 320 kbps

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Description / Review:


Also on Blinkiest Rangleblow, or should I say its shadowy bootleg alter-ego comes this long-play tape of our favorite French drone mistresses. I know Medi is a boy, yeah OK, but he’s hardly a rippling hirsute alpha male is he? Now, the story with these guys live is that they sit closely together on stools looking like a pair of cute, uber-shy bespectacled librarians and proceed to conjure up that lovely dark witchy racket of theirs with guitars, bows, tentative yearning hushed vocals and an array of effects pedals, the performance languishing over the space of anything from 40 minutes to almost an hour. If you’re not prepared (like several members of the Hebden Bridge folk community who walked-out mid-set the other month) the meandering, often dark and unnerving occult-y sound can leave you feeling a bit drowsy or spooked but we’re nuts for this precious duo here and the murky medium of the wibblsome live tape totally adds an alternative dimension to their already established modus operandi!

So this live setting makes them sound more eerie and esoteric than ever. I’ve only time to listen to the first side in full but the recording is executed in such a manner you could be listening to the soundtrack to a terrifying suspense film about hillside forest covens uncovered by an innocent group of teenage mountaineers or something. This is sensual, detailed and genuinely heady music for the darkest hours of the night when you’ve only a flickering candle for company; the beautifully intertwining drones, trails and swoops of mystical guitar and spots of free percussion make for a deliciously dark psychedelic treat with an added tribal element brought in by way of a simple 4/4 beat mid set. You know you want this…..

Track Listing


[01/02] Sheffield (41:08)

[02/02] London (47:02)

Total number of files: 2

Total playing time: 88:10

Generated: mercoled 12 settembre 2012 08:33:47

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1