What is amazing about this collection of singles and b-sides is not that it is great, but that it is as good as the band’s two official albums. (…) So it’s remarkable that the band’s non-album work comes together to form such a solid, cohesive album. You can hear the band move from its ragged, nihilistic punk roots (an early 4-song EP is included here in its entirety, highlighted by the driving "Warsaw" and the catchy but disturbing "No Love Lost") to the almost-ready-for-radio brooding pop exemplified by the afore-mentioned "Love" and "Atmosphere." Along the way we get all sorts of choice nuggets, essential for any fan of the band. So while you should still begin your Joy Division experience with the monumental Unknown Pleasures, Substance is an integral part of the Joy Division body of work. — Only after picking up those two albums and Closer will you want to move on towards the live/studio collection Still, a harsher listen."