Biking Stories

bicycle adventures the bikes Handlebar Swaps 1984 Centurion Elite R/S 2000 Litespeed Tuscany 1998 Litespeed Classic 1976 Windsor Carrera Sport 2015 Fuji rebuild 2014 Ibis tandem project 2019 Ibis Rohloff conversion 2013 Rincon project the new tandem the tandem the fixed gear route descriptions trail descriptions 520 Bridge routes BNSF Eastside Corridor 2021 Lummi Island 2019 Corsica 2018 …

2024 Bend Bikeways

From May 15th to May 22nd Jerry and Odette rode day trips on the tandem out of Bend, Oregon.               Back around the beginning of 2024 Odette and I settled on a tandem trip to Scandinavia in 2024 – the thinking being that we ought to get in some …

Potential trips in Eastern Oregon / Washington

********************************************************************* Selkirk drive to Metaline Falls – 375 miles / 6 hrs – ride 5 day / 280 miles route consider adding north Kootenay Lake side trip  (110 miles / 2 days)drive back to Leavenworth (250 miles, 2:45) ride Plain loop – 39 miles. drive home ********************************************************************* Grand Coulee drive to Twisp – 230 miles …

European Tandem Tours

That’s us in 2023 at Birds & Bicycles in Castro Verde, Portugal.   While planning for Scandinavia in 2024 I realized that we had done ten tandem trips to Europe!  Lot of fun and we’ve learned a lot.  We’ll see how many more we can do. 2023 Portugal 2023 Netherlands 2022 Alsace & Berlin 2019 …

2024 Recent Rides

Other Years 7/15  – Interurban to 92nd to College to NSCC Bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to 8th to 115th to  Pinehurst to 15th to 135th to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 37th to 165th to the Burke Gilman to Riverside to 175th.  Woodinville-Duvall to 156th to Bostian  to  Paradise Valley to Mink to Bear Creek to 132nd to …


So here’s where I ended up on Strava: That means that during the ten years since I stopped working I have ridden 134,970 miles with 7,114,013 feet of elevation.  (Due to the corruption of my Cyclometer database, 2014 elevation is calculated using the average gain/mile from the subsequent years.) I’m pleased that both distance and …

2023 – Portugal

From September 26th to October 17th Jerry and Odette rode the tandem on a loop in Southern Portugal, followed by a week of sightseeing in Lisbon  Odette wanted to go to Portugal.  It seemed like everyone we knew was going there this year.  She settled on Elsewhere (the Lonely Planet product) based on their website and …

2023 – Amsterdam

Between April 16th and May 8th Odette and Jerry rode the tandem from Amsterdam to Bruges (and back) and then explored Amsterdam for a week   Holland is flat.  Flatter than Berlin.     After our trip to Mallorca, Odette admitted that touring on individual bikes wasn’t realistic.  She went looking for someplace flat for …