2000 Litespeed Tuscany

UPDATE – Cyclocross set-up For my birthday in 2016 Odette bought me a 1998 Litespeed Classic.  At the time she was training for our planned tour in France and she was very focused on getting her requisite miles.  She settled on a pattern of riding tandem on weekends and riding her 2003 Rodriquez Stellar two or …

Climbing Basics

THE BASIC CLIMBING STORY I grew up in a little mountain town in eastern Oregon and I spend quite a bit of time outdoors as a kid. I hunted with my dad from an early age and most of the attraction of the hunt was the tramping around in the woods and the camping.   I …

2024 Bend Bikeways

From May 15th to May 22nd Jerry and Odette rode day trips on the tandem out of Bend, Oregon.               Back around the beginning of 2024 Odette and I settled on a tandem trip to Scandinavia in 2024 – the thinking being that we ought to get in some …

2023 – Portugal

From September 26th to October 17th Jerry and Odette rode the tandem on a loop in Southern Portugal, followed by a week of sightseeing in Lisbon  Odette wanted to go to Portugal.  It seemed like everyone we knew was going there this year.  She settled on Elsewhere (the Lonely Planet product) based on their website and …

2022 Mallorca

Between November 5 and November 19 Jerry and Odette biked on Mallorca and visited museums in Madrid At the end of our summer trip to Alsace and Berlin I thought we had agreed to take a non-bike trip somewhere warm, instead of our usual ski trip.  I put in a plug for Mallorca because I’d …

2022 Winthrop

From September 6th to September 9th Jerry and Odette rode tandem out of Winthrop.   I’d been talking for months about a trip to Eastern Washington.  I wanted to repeat the Grand Coulee ride we’d done a couple of times, and I wanted to ride the Tour de Okanogan route again.  Odette hoped I’d forget …

Lummi Island

On May 22 – 25, 2021,  Jerry and Odette rode from home in Seattle to La Conner and on to Lummi Island, then over to Whidby Island and eventually back home I rode a lot during the pandemic, moving at bicycle speed outdoors when everyone else was quarantined  seemed pretty safe and it gave me …