Potential trips in Eastern Oregon / Washington

********************************************************************* Selkirk drive to Metaline Falls – 375 miles / 6 hrs – ride 5 day / 280 miles route consider adding north Kootenay Lake side trip  (110 miles / 2 days)drive back to Leavenworth (250 miles, 2:45) ride Plain loop – 39 miles. drive home ********************************************************************* Grand Coulee drive to Twisp – 230 miles …

European Tandem Tours

That’s us in 2023 at Birds & Bicycles in Castro Verde, Portugal.   While planning for Scandinavia in 2024 I realized that we had done ten tandem trips to Europe!  Lot of fun and we’ve learned a lot.  We’ll see how many more we can do. 2023 Portugal 2023 Netherlands 2022 Alsace & Berlin 2019 …

2015 Ladakh

From July 23 to August 5, 2015 Jerry and Will travelled in Ladakh Will has done some epic bike trips with other graduate students in his program – notably his trip to China in 2013.  He and a classmate named Ravi Bhoraskar had talked for some time about riding in the Indian Himalayas, but nothing …

Climbing Basics

THE BASIC CLIMBING STORY I grew up in a little mountain town in eastern Oregon and I spend quite a bit of time outdoors as a kid. I hunted with my dad from an early age and most of the attraction of the hunt was the tramping around in the woods and the camping.   I …

Outdoor Resume

Jerry Scott (206) 784-9815 6260 First Avenue NW (206) 276-5276 (cell) Seattle, WA  98107 jerry@obatik.com Outdoor Experience Twenty-five years of mountaineering in the Cascades and Olympics.  Significant summits include Rainier, Baker, Adams (Adams Glacier), Glacier, Hood, Olympus, Stuart (West Ridge), Bonanza, Goode, Prusik, Shuksan, Eldorado, Liberty Bell, Clark (Walrus Glacier), Constance, Challenger, Luna, Cutthroat (Southeast …


This is my collection of books about the Pacific Northwest. It emphasizes hiking and climbing and it is weighted a little towards eastern Oregon. I think that this collection represents a unique way of looking at the region. It also says something about who I am and how I look at things.   Click here …

2024 Bend Bikeways

From May 15th to May 22nd Jerry and Odette rode day trips on the tandem out of Bend, Oregon.               Back around the beginning of 2024 Odette and I settled on a tandem trip to Scandinavia in 2024 – the thinking being that we ought to get in some …

Stage 22

Wayback Machine AUG MAY JUN Previous capture 11 Next capture 2007 2009 2010 8 captures 21 Mar 06 – 11 May 09 sparklines Close Help Related Photos Sebring, FL to Key West, FL Stage Back (via Highways 27, 997, 905A, 905, 1 along with LOST Trail) October 23, 2004 One hour before sunrise, we pulled …

Stamp Essay

My father was born in 1909, the son of a South Dakota ditch-digger. Somehow he made it to college and ironically enough his first job after graduating was constructing the sewage system in a CCC camp somewhere in Wyoming. He taught math and shop, got trained as a machinist and ended up making prototypes for …

Book Keywords

KEY WORD SEARCHES. climbing – all books about getting to the top of stuff climb guide – "where to" guides climb technique – "how to" books climb gear – small number of books about hardware climb literature – literature (mainly climbing narratives) about climbing, much of it away from the Cascades hiking – all books …