No Doy
1. She Sends Me
2. 32 Things
3. Saint Augustine
4. Bring You Down
5. Rebubula
6. Spine Of A Dog
7. Moth
8. Buster
9. FourLike many of the younger Phish-associated bands, moe. still confuse blissing out on whimsy with getting genuinely trippy. Some of the jamming on "No Doy" is more doobie-friendly fusion than "Avalon Ballroom ’66," and when the band sings, "She loves me a whole freakin’ lot," in "She Sends Me," yeah, they do it with a wink and a nod. I just cringe. Nevertheless, moe. have the virile, twin-guitar interplay of Chuck Garvey and Al Schnier going for them, and when they get up a good head of instrumental steam… – Posted in Rolling Stone on Dec 30, 1996,