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After a nearly-10-year history, coupled with having released as many full-length albums, its no wonder that the Red Elvises have had their ups and downs. Undoubtedly fantastic musicians who love to mine old fashioned rock ‘n’ roll for everything that it’s worth (much like the rest of their L.A. Scene brethren), they have "hit" and "missed" an equal number of times, trying to capture the high points of their sophomore effort "I Wanna See You Bellydance." This album is no exception: "Love Rocket" & "Party Like A Rock Star" are such great tracks that it’s easy enough to forgive some of the slower moments they deliver throughout the rest of the disc, even if the overall feel of the album seems a little lackluster. Their particularly goofy lyrical content has often been a barrier for them when it comes to fan appreciation, and their image is often hard to make sense of, too. (Russian? Indie-Rock? Comedy? Etc.?) But, for those willing to give this disc a chance, they might be pleasantly surprised. While this could never contend with their Soundtrack for Six String Samarui, to discount them whole-heartedly would be unfair to a band that is truly talented and writes some decent rock ‘n’ roll tunes.