Of Montreal – Skeletal Lamping


Skeletal Lamping is the title of the ninth studio album by Athens, Georgia-based band Of Montreal. Kevin Barnes said about the title: "This record is my attempt to bring all of my puzzling, contradicting, disturbing, humorous…fantasies, ruminations and observations to the surface, so that I can better dissect and understand their reason for being in my head. Hence the title, Skeletal Lamping. Lamping is the name of a rather dreadful hunting technique where, hunters go into the forest at night, flood an area in light, then shoot, or capture, the animals as they panic and run from their hiding places." The new album is set to be released on October 7, 2008 on Polyvinyl. It was leaked on August 22, 2008 to file sharing networks.

In an interview with Wireless Bollinger, Kevin Barnes stated that the album will be composed of hundreds of short segments ranging from thirty to fifty seconds in length. Barnes also remarked that the forthcoming album will deviate from the traditional pop song structures employed by the group in the past while still retaining the melodic and poppy sound listeners have come to expect from Of Montreal. The band debuted several new songs during their 2007 tour, including "Our Last Summer of Independence", "Exquisite Confessions", "Mingusings", "Softcore", and "Billy Goat Stomp". Many of the group’s new songs explore new sonic territory and find Of Montreal delving into such disparate genres as surf rock and funk. Most of them are included with other names on Skeletal Lamping.

In a recent interview with Pitchfork Media, Barnes stated that Of Montreal will continue to evolve with Skeletal Lamping:

"Musically, it is sort of all over the place, too. There really isn’t necessarily a sense of continuity there. It’s definitely funkier. It’s maybe developing off of things like "Faberge Falls for Shuggie" and "Labyrinthian Pomp" from Hissing Fauna. It’s kind of moving things in those directions. It’s something that I find exciting, as it’s not something that I’ve really worked with a lot in the past. It still holds some mystery for me. I really feel there is something I can use in that genre. It’s fun for me too because it kind of– touching upon what we were talking about earlier– goes against the kind and gentle side of indie rock. Funk music is not like that at all."