Probably like many of you, I keep a running playlist of stuff I stumble on, either old favorites I forgot about, a song from a comp I don’t want to forget, something new that jumped out at me, that sort of thing. In my case, it’s mostly songs that came on random while I was riding my bike – my music player screen is broken and I only have random, so if there was a song that knocked my socks off, when I’m home I plug it in, find the song and add it to my random playlist.
Today, I was adding the Rik Starr tune from the Flying Nun box to my playlist, and for something to listen to while I made dinner, I moved it to just before the first song that was added after I last saved i.e. the new stuff. I thought it came out pretty good and makes for a decent summer mix. So here it is. No specific ordering was done except for me to play the songs that I’d most recently added over the last two months or so, so I’m callin’ this Random Play Monday legit.