Psychedelic Horseshit – Magic Flowers Droned

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Artist: Psychedelic Horseshit
Album: Magic Flowers Droned (2007, Slitbreeze)
Label: Slitbreeze
Year: 2007
Genre: Lo-Fi

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE

Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Avg Bit Rate: 192 kbps

Posted by: smallpaul

Description / Review:
This is going to take some work. Magic Flowers Droned is not instant gratification, nor is it easy listening. Quite the contrary. Psychedelic Horseshit is mind-numbingly dense, chaotic, and inevitably drunk on their collective refuse. They are lost in giddy energy and innocent creation, a turn-off that might provoke the first time listener to shut them out completely, much like lead Horse Matt WhitehurstÕs million note guitar solos that never hit the proper notes. ItÕs unwise to condone and sing the praises of such an album, because once the threshold between torture and ecstatic pleasure is jumped, the bandÕs idiosyncratic charm becomes an addiction. But youÕre going to have to put forth some effort, suspend disbelief, use your imagination a little.

Magic Flowers Droned could qualify as a comedy record, as the marquee falls squarely onto WhitehurstÕs nasal Dylan-isms and snarky language; poetry with both catchy non-sequiturs and pointed social commentary that doesnÕt require musical accompaniment to elicit knowing nods and plenty of chuckles. Indie rock has numerous targets, but not enough darts. On ÒNew Wave HippiesÓ Whitehurst seems to hurl them in the dark by the handfulÑÒNew wave hippies donÕt protest / They do it on little screens / Recovering 90Õs ravers / People who bought the wrong jeans / Occasional psychos / TheyÕre mostly just nice folks / ItÕs like a new disease.Ó ItÕs a monologue that could stand alone without the crack-house disco and tin-can post-punk surrounding it.

By juggling Jad Fair and Mark E. Smith, Psychedelic Horseshit is led by a persona who is incapable of lobbing a pop song with a straight-face. ÒNothing Is RevealedÓ is the circus version of the Strokes, only bathed in tweeter busting fuzz and cardboard percussion. The air-raid siren of ÒRather DullÓ meanwhile, is equally inspired by both My Bloody Valentine and Nietzsche. ThereÕs a constant dichotomy that never levels out, making cluttered sing-a-longs like ÒPortalsÓ and thrift-store dub-plates like ÒWhatÕs in StoreÓ a wonderful mess to behold, watching a prodigy choke and sputter and desperately try and catch up with his tossed-off genius.

Where kindred spirits in Times New Viking hide their hooks through sonic nihilism, Psychedelic Horseshit deal strictly in anarchy, broadcasting by any means necessary. Certainly there is structure, with tangible verses and choruses, but the band disobeys any set of rules by blatantly burying melodies under piles of atonal chords and in-the-red mixes, piecing together tracks from multiple takes, or, in the case of ÒMash-Up: Psychedelic Horseshit vs. Space Age LuciferÓ running two songs simultaneously through separate channels. Their unorthodox methods shouldnÕt work and with ÒMash-UpÓ they donÕt (wasting two perfectly good songs for the sake of art), but the gesture is so bad itÕs brilliant and as a result youÕll never listen to the album the same way twice. Magic Flowers Droned forgoes Òlo-fiÓ or even Òno-fiÓ crafting a scuzz-rock interactive experience that should be considered Òown-fi.Ó

Like most albums in the Siltbreeze canon, Magic Flowers Droned is cased in an almost impenetrable crust. Chiseling through Dead C and Shadow Ring records only reveals yet another layer, with Psychedelic Horseshit the labor is worth the rewardÑonce you finally reach the center of Magic Flowers Droned it becomes one of the brightest and self-aware pop delights seen this year.

Track Listing
[01/13] Nothing Is Revealed (2:04) 192 kbps 3.09 MB
[02/13] Portals (2:04) 192 kbps 3.09 MB
[03/13] Rather Dull (1:56) 192 kbps 2.90 MB
[04/13] New Wave Hippies (2:34) 192 kbps 3.78 MB
[05/13] Crystals (2:33) 192 kbps 3.74 MB
[06/13] Bad Vibrations (4:01) 192 kbps 5.76 MB
[07/13] Can’t Get Enough 2 (1:57) 192 kbps 2.91 MB
[08/13] Mouth Disciples (1:50) 192 kbps 2.77 MB
[09/13] Crystal Dub (0:58) 192 kbps 1.57 MB
[10/13] These Days (1:19) 192 kbps 2.06 MB
[11/13] Radar Fences Again (3:29) 192 kbps 5.02 MB
[12/13] Mash Up (3:59) 192 kbps 5.71 MB
[13/13] What’s In Store (2:11) 192 kbps 3.25 MB

Total number of files: 13
Total size of files: 45.70 MB
Total playing time: 30:55
Generated: Saturday, December 15, 2007 6:49:59 AM

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1