Asaurus Records EP Club #12

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Artist: Various

Album: Asaurus Records EP Club #12

Label: Asaurus

Year: 2005


RIAA Radar Status: SAFE


Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz


Avg Bit Rate: 196 kbps

Posted by: smallpaul

Description / Review:


Starting October 2003, the Asaurus Records EP Club released an EP every-other-month in a limited edition of 100 copies. Available only to club members, each EP featured 4 bands, 4 songs each. The second series of EPs, #7-12, each featured the artwork of a different artist. After this series concluded, the EP Club went on hiatus indefinitely.

All 1200 EPs are now sold out.



BANDS: Let’s Be Honeys, First Natural, The Sewing Circle, Miniature and Presidential, Ponies in the Surf, & Jesse Thomas

Track Listing


[01/24] No Good (Let’s Be Honeys) (1:39) 232 kbps 2.76 MB

[02/24] Lionheart (Let’s Be Honeys) (3:00) 224 kbps 4.83 MB

[03/24] Fire, Fire! (Let’s Be Honeys) (1:44) 174 kbps 2.18 MB

[04/24] Rainbows (Let’s Be Honeys) (3:55) 221 kbps 6.22 MB

[05/24] Motion (First Natural) (3:02) 166 kbps 3.62 MB

[06/24] Thief (First Natural) (3:22) 204 kbps 4.94 MB

[07/24] Metronome (First Natural) (3:36) 235 kbps 6.09 MB

[08/24] My Darlin’ (First Natural) (3:29) 210 kbps 5.25 MB

[09/24] I Am Invincible (Sewing Circle) (5:42) 127 kbps 5.22 MB

[10/24] Doves & Pigeons (Sewing Circle) (3:24) 144 kbps 3.51 MB

[11/24] Block-O (Sewing Circle) (3:21) 125 kbps 3.01 MB

[12/24] That’s What I Get (Sewing Circle) (1:00) 180 kbps 1.29 MB

[13/24] Picture You Wish You’d Never Given Me (Miniature And Presidential) (4:35) 132 kbps 4.36 MB

[14/24] E.E. Cummings (Miniature And Presidential) (2:11) 133 kbps 2.09 MB

[15/24] The Night Dustin Got Arrested (Miniature And Presidential) (2:32) 143 kbps 2.62 MB

[16/24] Suitcase Friend (Miniature And Presidential) (4:40) 150 kbps 5.03 MB

[17/24] Too Many Birds (Ponies In The Surf) (2:08) 247 kbps 3.79 MB

[18/24] Joe (Ponies In The Surf) (2:46) 196 kbps 3.89 MB

[19/24] Casey (Ponies In The Surf) (1:56) 202 kbps 2.82 MB

[20/24] Mimi (Ponies In The Surf) (1:52) 179 kbps 2.41 MB

[21/24] Final Possessions (Jesse Thomas) (4:50) 267 kbps 9.26 MB

[22/24] Semi-Permanent (Version 2) (Jesse Thomas) (2:19) 282 kbps 4.69 MB

[23/24] Christmas In The Sand (Jesse Thomas) (1:06) 285 kbps 2.26 MB

[24/24] We Can Go Home Now (Jesse Thomas) (2:06) 244 kbps 3.67 MB

Total number of files: 24

Total size of files: 95.89 MB

Total playing time: 70:15

Generated: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 10:57:06 PM

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1