Darren Korb – Bastion Original Soundtrack


1. Get Used to It 0:54

2. A Proper Story 1:09

3. In Case of Trouble 2:56

4. Bynn the Breaker 4:09

5. The Sole Regret 2:27

6. Twisted Streets 3:29

7. Terminal March 4:06

8. Percy’s Escape 1:41

9. Faith of Jevel 1:31

10. Mine, Windbag, Mine 3:06

11. Slinger’s Song 4:06

12. Build That Wall (Zia’s Theme) 2:45

13. Spike In a Rail 2:54

14. What’s Left Undone 0:22

15. Brusher Patrol 4:32

16. The Mancer’s Dilemma 2:01

17. Mother, I’m Here (Zulf’s Theme) 2:16

18. Pale Watchers 4:28

19. The Bottom Feeders 4:44

20. From Wharf to Wilds 1:21

21. Setting Sail, Coming Home (End Theme) 2:54

22. The Pantheon (Ain’t Gonna Catch You) 2:27

Bastion is a great and stylish adventure game recently released on Xbox Live Arcade and Steam by Supergiant Games. Not only does it have amazing visuals but it has an amazing soundtrack as well. Darren Korb, the “one man band” from Supergiant Games, composed this incredible album for Bastion. He describes the soundtrack as being a “acoustic frontier trip-hop”, and I can’t think of a better description.

You’ll notice from the start with “Get Used to It”, that there is a narrator. Although he has an important role in the game, he doesn’t show up much in the album. To be clear I’m not a big fan of narrated tracks on albums, but it’s not long and it is a good intro for what’s to come. Once you the next track plays, “A Proper Story”, you’ll understand what Darren Korb meant in his discription. Almost all the songs have this feel to it and never do I feel like I’m listening to the same song over and over again, which happens quite a lot in video game soundtracks.

With tracks like, “Bynn the Breaker” & “Terminal March”, they make you want to turn up your stereo just because of the heavy bass alone. Seriously, if you have a sub you will enjoy this album even more. You’ll also notice a hint of Arabian like music from “Terminal March” and some Spanish tunes in “From Warf to Wilds”. It’s also obvious when listening to “Percy’s Escape” that Darren Korb knows his way around with percussion and strings.

When hearing “Build That Wall (Zia’s Theme)” & “Mother, I’m Here (Zulf’s Theme)”, the album takes a turn by slowing down and dropping the trip-hop to allow some vocals. Towards the end of the album, the two songs make a reprise together in “Setting Sail, Coming Home (End Theme)”. A nice touch if you ask me.

Even if you’re not a gamer the soundtrack to Bastion is great by itself. This is the first album I’ve heard from Darren Korb and I’m quite impressed. I will be keeping an eye on his future career, as should you.