Boyracer – Flickering B+W

here is the NFO file from Indietorrents

01 Wingtips

02 I Don’t Want No Trouble

03 Time For Turmoil

04 Excuses

05 Decimalize Me

06 Let’s See Some Action

07 To Destroy

08 The Sweetest Half Truth

09 Stand By Yr Words

10 Toxic Glamour

11 The Bones Of The Day

12 The Secret Fire

13 He Told You

14 You Banged A Married Man

15 In My Previous Life

lame 3.98 rip with foobar, ok? OK?

Album info

Yet more Boyracer. I think this is their last proper album. Definitely among their best recorded, least noisy, most poppy stuff.

trouser press sez:

Without straying too far from Boyracer’s signature sound, Flickering B+W finds Anderson maturing, stretching song lengths past the three-minute mark and coming to grips with the fact he’s stopped being one of “the kids.” “The bar is buzzing but it’s no longer our night,” he muses on the album-closing “In My Previous Life,” among a younger crowd to whom he can no longer relate. Detachment and disaffection, an ever-present Boyracer theme, is brought to the fore by songs that grow and breathe without inducing yawns. Boyracer’s whizz-bang fizzpop still stands tall (check the sharp, spazzy “I Don’t Want No Trouble”) but Anderson speaks with more clarity and gives folks a few more reasons to keep listening by broadening his sound, if only by a few centimeters.