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Original Release / Bruit Direct Disques / br-d 15
Uploaded by ZGASPEN 1 month, 1 day ago
Artist: Badaboum
Album: Badaboum [Bruit Direct Disques, 2015]
Year: 2015
Genre: Rock
RIAA Radar Status: SAFE
Encoder: VinylStudio
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Codec: LAME
Avg Bit Rate: 248 kbps
Posted by: ZGASPEN
Description / Review:
This does NOT sound like it was recorded in 2014-15. Possibly 1981-82. And don’t expect to make much out of the lyrics, no matter your language. But that may add to the mystery. Erie organ drones, repetitive bass lines, crashing cymbals, low running rhythms, the odd trumpet or noise. It’s all there. And it’s very post-punk.
Bruit Direct Disques presents the 1st lp by Badaboum, french all-star girl group that includes Krine (Headwar), Armelle (The Dreams) and Solene (Dudu geva) and is affiliated to the famous Grande Triple Alliance de l’Est posse (Ah Kraken, Feeling of love, Scorpion Violente). They play a form of post punk music akin to Liliput/Kleenex and Malaria adding their own reverbed idiosyncracies and eerie organ lines, chanting in indecipherable italian, mock german and plain french. Taking turns on drums and blowing thru severed reeds, Badaboum will bring you as much joy as chaos and spook.
Track Listing
[01/08] Chamois Du Mal (5:54)
[02/08] La Vouivre (3:10)
[03/08] Sono Io (1:28)
[04/08] Stix (3:31)
[05/08] Reubenoit XVI (3:46)
[06/08] Aigu Martial (4:12)
[07/08] Sordida (2:41)
[08/08] Samedi ? (3:16)
Total number of files: 8
Total playing time: 27:58
Generated: Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 11:07:14 AM
Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1
November 2015: Giving Thanks