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Artist: Asie Payton
Album: Just Do Me Right (2002, Fat Possum)
Label: Fat Possum
Year: 2002
Genre: Blues
RIAA Radar Status: SAFE
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Avg Bit Rate: 192 kbps
Posted by: smallpaul
Description / Review:
This posthumous complement to Payton’s only studio disc is something of a revelation. Not only does it confirm that he was a great blues and soul singer (just check out “Back to the Bridge,” with its “In the Midnight Hour” riff, or the lazy groove of “I Got a Friend,” with its percolating wah-wah guitar line), but it shows the man could play funk too — “1000 Years” roars out of the speakers straight to the dancefloor, powered by some unexpected horns, and “Need My Help” has all the power of a latter-day Hendrix song. All of that isn’t to say he didn’t play a lot of gutbucket acoustic blues, too; “Livin’ in So Much Pain” is about as down-home as you can get. In many ways, there seemed to be no end to his passion for different styles of music. “Nobody But You” could almost have come out of the Stax studios circa 1965, while “Watch Yourself” is a barnburning R&B/early rock & roll track that kicks like a mule. While Payton’s other album showed him to be a man of talent, this offers that talent to its full extent, drawn together from sessions recorded in studios and at the houses of friends. But instead of being a ragtag collection of odds and sods, the result is a soaring testimony to someone who was an unsung great in his lifetime.
Track Listing
[01/14] Back To The Bridge (3:06) 192 kbps 4.29 MB
[02/14] Do Me Right (3:20) 192 kbps 4.60 MB
[03/14] 1000 Years (3:00) 192 kbps 4.14 MB
[04/14] I Got a Friend (3:45) 192 kbps 5.17 MB
[05/14] Need My Help (2:24) 192 kbps 3.32 MB
[06/14] Livin’ In So Much Pain (3:14) 192 kbps 4.46 MB
[07/14] You Got Me Doin’ Things (3:21) 192 kbps 4.62 MB
[08/14] Why’d You Do It (3:19) 192 kbps 4.57 MB
[09/14] Nobody But You (2:54) 192 kbps 4.00 MB
[10/14] Lose My Happy Home (3:50) 192 kbps 5.28 MB
[11/14] You Don’t Want Me (3:02) 192 kbps 4.19 MB
[12/14] Watch Yourself (3:15) 192 kbps 4.48 MB
[13/14] Asie’s Story (3:34) 192 kbps 4.92 MB
[14/14] Back To The Bridge (2002) (3:45) 192 kbps 5.17 MB
Total number of files: 14
Total size of files: 63.29 MB
Total playing time: 45:49
Generated: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:58:25 PM
Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1