
When I first heard about this project I was considering signing up for either the late 70s or early 90s. Those time periods would have been very easy for me… too easy maybe. But, the spots filled up fast, and before I could narrow it down to a specific year, the entire 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s were taken. I quickly chose 1964 before that spot filled up too!

At first, I was afraid that I would have trouble filling a 1964 playlist. I mean sure, I love music from all time periods, but the bulk of my collection is from the late 60s onward. Once I started sifting through my music to find releases from 1964 though, I realized it was going to be much easier than I had initially thought.

While carefully choosing the songs for this compilation I came to realize that, more than anything else, 1964 was a year of transition. A year of evolution and revolution. It was the year The Beatles became bigger than Jesus and ushered in the "British Invasion" in America. It was the year Bob Dylan became a superstar. It was the golden age of Motown and Stax. The year when an ethno-jazz collaboration became the biggest selling Jazz record of all time. The year when The Wailers had their first big hit, and The Rolling Stones released their first album. It was a year that would have a huge impact on popular music.

Most of the songs I have included represent an evolution or a revolution of some sort. Be it a change in a particular artists style, the birth or death of a genre, or the first stirrings of soon-to-be legends. While I tried to somewhat venture away from the mainstream (we have enough top 10 singles compilations already available at record stores), I did include some hugely popular songs, as I felt that leaving them out wouldn’t accurately represent the year in question.

I learned a lot from making this compilation, and I hope you all will enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed creating it.