Black Flag – Last Show

here is the info file from Dime

CORRECTED RE-POST – Sorry for the inconvenience!

Black Flag
Last Show (Liberated Boot)
Detroit, MI, USA (Venue Unknown) June 28, 1986
Great SBD recording of the band’s final gig
(Rollins, Ginn, Stevenson, Kira)

01 Retired at 21
02 Annihilate This Week
03 Bastard in Love
04 Drinking and Driving
05 Paralyzed
06 In My Head
07 White Hot
08 Black Love
09 Kickin and Stickin
10 Society’s Tease
11 This is Good
12 I Can See You
13 Nothing Left Inside
14 Gimme Gimme Gimme
15 Louie Louie


June 27, 1986
Graystone Hall
Detroit, MI

My apologies for the "99.9% no-seed" snafu on original post of this show. If you downloaded originally, my best info suggests that the error was in the .txt setlist and not in the flac files themselves – so if you got to 99% a new download may not actually be necessary? (Been wrong about many other things tho…a humbling experience this whole dime thing…thanks for bearing with a new uploader, and for all of the technical assistance.)

If the correct date is June 27, 1986 (which it may very well be), this is different from the date listed on the original CD boot…which incidentally also features a photo of the wrong lineup (stevenson and kira), hence the erroneous description above. Out of fear of screwing up the repost, I made only the mod suggested changes, but be aware that correct band lineup is actually:

Henry Rollins – vocals
Greg Ginn – guitar
Anthony Martinez – drums, and
C’el Revuelta – bass.

Some question yesterday as to whether this might actually be an outstanding audience recording. Sure sounds like a SBD to me, but point is: sound’s great.

Again, my regrets for any inconvenience, hope the show makes up for it.