More Surprises
“I’ll Show You Joy That You Never Might Know” – I’m Your God Pan
1 More Surprises (January 27, 1984 Providence, RI The Living Room)
2 Rock and Roll Will Happen (October 10, 1983 Cambridge, MA Jonathan Swifts)
3 I Love You So (March 29, 1975 Boston, Stone Phoenix Coffee House)
4 At Home With A Lover (October 3, 1976 San Francisco, CA The Boarding House)
5 Five Year Old Feeling (October 10, 1983 Cambridge, MA Jonathan Swifts)
6 Give Her Time (March 1975 NY,NY The Kitchen)
7 Heart To Heart (October 10, 1983 Cambridge, MA Jonathan Swifts)
8 Hi Fred (March 1975 NY,NY The Kitchen)
9 I Love People (October 3, 1976 San Francisco, CA The Boarding House)
10 I Love This World and It’s Mystery (March 20, 1982 NY,NY The Other End)
11 I’m Your God Pan (February 14, 1983 Los Angeles, CA Uncle Charlies)
12 I See What’s Underneath (July 20, 1981 NY, NY The Peppermint Lounge)
13 I Want To Love Him So Bad (February 21, 1981 NY, NY My Father’s Place)
14 Let’s Say We Just Met (August 6, 1985 NY, NY The Bottom Line)
15 My Runabout Girl (October 10, 1983 Cambridge, MA Jonathan Swifts)
16 New Kind Of Neighborhood (October 10, 1983 Cambridge, MA Jonathan Swifts)
17 Tell How You Feel (August 6, 1985 NY, NY The Bottom Line)
18 That’s How I Feel (March 2, 1982 Cambridge, MA Jonathan Swifts)
19 Tear Down Walls Between People (March 2, 1982 Cambridge, MA Jonathan Swifts)
20 The Desert (January 27, 1984 Providence, RI The Living Room)
21 Time For Fooling Around (October 9, 1983 New Jersey The Dirt Club)
22 The Best That I Have Got (March 20, 1982 NY,NY The Other End)
There is a book called There’s Something About Jonathan by Tim Mitchell which is a good read for someone who wishes to take their Modern Lover knowledge past what one might learn from only listening to the albums. For years I was only an album-listener, but then after learning what Jojo could do live I realized that the albums can only provide for half of the experience.
The title that Tim Mitchell chose is surely a play-on-words to that popular movie that Jonathan was involved with in the late 90’s, but I think it is a good “epitome” phrase of what JR can mean to his niche fans.
What actually is that “something” that Jonathan has? Because, there is a “something” right? I mean, I know for a fact that there is something in the music and message that Jojo expresses that propells him past all the other artists that I have explored. What is it?
The closest answer that I have been able to come up with over the last few years lives in the lost song “I’m Your God Pan” with the line: “I’ll Show You Joy That You Never Might Know”, which is “sung” by the Roman god Pan. This lyric hits me for some reason.
I don’t know what is different about JR. He’s not exactly spectacular in any technical thing he does, but he shows me joy that was only subconscious until I heard his music. Is that “something”? Yes!