John Oswald & Grateful Dead – Grayfolded – Transitive Axis

ripsawtim, the uploader on Indietorrents rated this torrent 5 stars and wrote "best drug record EVER."

the NFO file includes the following:

"In 1994, Oswald was invited to "plunderphonicize" the music of the legendary rock band the Grateful Dead, and he went through over a hundred performances from 1969 upward (onward) to accumulate over 40 hours of tape. The music he chose was the unnamed song, sometimes simply referred to as "It," a open, simple modal improvisation that suggests a kind of celestial yearning or universal understanding. He has a soloist "harmonizing with himself over the years," interrelates and studies details of isolated gestures, and creates multiple overlays of the band that add a depth and texture perhaps more in the mind of the group than was actually realized, or realizable, in live performance."
—All-Music Guide