here is the info file from Dime
The Sex Pistols
Manchester Lesser Free Trade Hall
4 June 1976
01 Did You No Wrong
02 No Lip
03 Seventeen
04 (I’m Not Your) Stepping Stone
05 New York (Looking For A Kiss)
06 Whatcha Gonna Do About It?
07 Submission
08 Satellite
09 No Feelings
10 No Fun
11 Substitute
12 Pretty Vacant
13 Problems
Well, here it is the gig that started it all. It’s been argued (and by better people than me) that without this show, there would have been no Independent labels, no Factory Records and, by extension, no Joy Division, New Order, Stone Roses, Madchester, Hacienda etc etc.
Time to make up your own mind, but a word of warning: This really isn’t (musically anyway) the great “wake up call” it’s been made out to be. The Pistols are competent and tight, and the crowd not as antagonistic as has been made out in some accounts. Maybe they were talking of the second Manchester show in July. I can’t say, as – strangely enough – no one seems to have a tape of the July performance, which featured the debut of the just written Anarchy In The UK. Feel free to prove me wrong on this one, though. Please?
One last thought. It’s a pity Mick Hucknall *wasn’t* at this gig, instead of staying at home with his Nina Simone records – the world could have been spared a lot of unpleasantness