Modern Lovers – Cambridge Boathouse

here is the info file from Dime

The Modern Lovers

Cambridge Boathouse, Cambridge, MA, late 1971 / early 1972

lineage: cassette (unknown gen) > Xitel -> hd -> Nero (tracking) -> flac 8

Cambridge Boathouse 1971 or 1972

1. Someone I Care About (intro only)

2. Cambridge Clown

3. Fly into the Mystery

4. Astral Plane (intro only)

5. Such Loneliness

6. Womanhood

7. Dignified and Old

8. Pablo Picasso (intro only)

9. A Plea for Tenderness (omitted officially released)

Cambridge Boathouse 1973

10. Modern World (cut)

Studio / rehearsal (?)

11. I Grew Up in the Suburbs

As part of the officially released Live at the Longbranch / Precise Modern Lovers Order releases put together by Ernie Brooks a version of A Plea for Tenderness was included. This was sourced from a show at the Cambridge Boathouse and was ascribed to 1973.

However, it would appear that the 1973 date is incorrect. I’ve included a live recording of Modern World, also from the Cambridge Boathouse, but clearly from a different concert. This one is almost certainly from the 1973 recording that Ernie remembered.

Which means that the Plea for Tenderness recording is from an earlier show. As Mark mentioned in the other torrent, Jonathan’s question to Danny (Lipman — their manager) dates the other recording as being from 1971 or early 1972, as John Felice as not on the recording and Danny Lipman was out of the mix by the end of 1972.

The band recorded a number of shows early on in an attempt to create a demo tape. The Harvard Mixer show was undoubtedly one of those shows, and this one probably was as well, and if so, that dates it in 1971. Definitely after the Harvard Mixer show.

The version of I Grew Up in the Suburbs should have been on the unreleaed demos torrent. I dropped it from that one because the quality is just abysmal. Not sure whether it’s from the legendary rehearsal tape, or whether it’s from the Fowley LP sessions, but here it is.