Vibracathedral Orchestra – Lino Hi

here is the NFO file from Indietorrents

Artist : Vibracathedral Orchestra

Album : Lino Hi

Source :

Year : 1999

Genre : Experimental

Encoder : Unknown

Codec : LAME 3.93

Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo

ID3-Tag : ID3v2.3

Ripped By : Unknown on 08.06.2008

Posted By : Unknown on 08.06.2008

“This is where the tape noise underground collides with both Theatre of Eternal Music-style minimalism and quasi-Indian modal improvisation, to collapse in a glorious heap. Their modus operandi here is simply to erect a group barrage of sounds – crashing percussion, permanently droning violins, clanging guitars, dropped tambourines, warbling saxophones, and always lots of grindingly heavy bowing – into a wonderfully primitive racket, sustain it for a while, then stop. This collective has stumbled onto something that’ll refresh even the most jaded noise palette – I pretty much thought this noise-drone shit had done its dash, but Lino-Hi has turned me around 180Š.” (Opprobrium magazine)

“Guitar? Accordion? Saw? Many times the droning instrumentation on Vibracathedral Orchestra’s Lino Hi is difficult to distinguish (the liner notes give us no clue). Perhaps that’s the secret of their lure though. On a first listen I thought, “This has to be done with loops” but as far as I can tell it’s not. VCO’s the real deal y’all. It’s the subtlety in this music that makes it tres interresant. Sounds just sort of materialize out of the soup. Most of the tracks have a slow Asian sounding uni-chord structure with intermittent clangs and scapes, barring “Chasing a Rabbit” which races like a freight train through dowtown Bangkok. Lino Hi exudes a sense of patience and tact that is uncommon among a group five musicians turned loose to jam. Through all of these 8 minute-plus songs, the playing remains a highly intense and confident presence that’s able to zone out mentally and somehow stay physically intact.”

Track Listing


1. Can I Put My Thumb In Your Pudding Please? ( 8:16)

2. Roll On Roll Off ( 6:14)

3. Chasing A Rabbit ( 8:59)

4. Padded Like A Starlight Saint ( 2:46)

5. Airy Way ( 9:03)

6. Tb Radio From A Shady District ( 9:24)

7. Swk Me (16:06)

8. Pink Twinkle ( 6:20)

Total Playing Time: 67:10 (min:sec)

Total Size : 92,3 MB (96†744†024 bytes)

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.NFO file created with NFO Sighting V1.0.469 on 08.06.2008 at 20:27

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