here is the NFO file from Indietorrents
#IT Collaborative Mixtape Fall 2006 –
Track 1, Submitted by ehsucks
Track Name: Let the Dog Sing
Artist: Idiot Flesh
Album: VA – Vaccination Records Co. Rawk Party
Description: Don’t let the intro fool you. This song rocks pretty fucking hard towards the end. I like to think of it as Mystery Metal. You don’t know where the metal is.
Track 2, submitted by Whatevermort Track Name: Madeline Loves The Leeches Artist: The Lee Harvey Oswald Band Album: Blastronaut Description: Bettie Page is somebody who means very little to me, personally. Being a) sheltered and b)British means that my associations to American pin-up stars of the 1950’s – least of all those who stepped forward into the dual worlds of onanistic fantasy and the harder world of fetishism – means that when I read her name I have no immediate reaction. I recognise who she is, but less than, say, Gretchen Moll (who, I hear, is excellent). So, I have to take this literally, and say, right, what do I know? I know that Bettie Page was a sex idol, and that she represented something horny and dirty and something that sat there, under the surface, bubbling (albeit somewhat quietly, unless you were alone). I know that she represents more than just woman – she has kind of transcended, become something more. And I know that, as was plausibly intended, and as will, no doubt, have occurred, the twin concepts of “Bettie Page is fucking Metal!” and “Bettie Page is fucking metal” made me think that, well, it’s inescapable that the song will be about sex, but not really about sex (but, really, actually about sex). So, stared at my cds and then remembered this song, a song about sex, but not really about sex, but, actually, really about sex, and I thought, “Well, that’ll make a lovely track 2”. So, it does.
Track 3, submitted by UnitedColors
Track name: Earth Ain’t Enuff
Artist: Black Pus
Album: Black Pus III
Description: Brian Chippendale of Lightning Bolt’s solo side project Black Pus is exactly what you could expect from him: pounding drum beats with repetitive melodies and a contact mic muffled voice. Chippendale is known for his fast-paced, frenetic drumming, but in “Earth Ain’t Enuff,” the beat is constant and simple.The bass drum hits like a heart beat. The spaces in between are filled with squeeks and squawks made with some kind of noisemaker. And yes, it’s supposed to end abruptly. This song is metal gone noise: dark and totally addicting.
Track 4, submitted by lhnl
Track Name: A Fictional Serial Killer
Artist : Early Grace
Album: …and All I Run Into Are The Walls That You Have Built
Description: My thought process was as follows…
“I can connect that Theme in three steps.”
“You connect that theme!”
The Notorious Betty Page > Released on Killer Films > Song called “A Fictional Serial Killer”
Track 5, submitted by Lina
Track name: Crève salope
Artist: Métal Urbain
Album: L’Age d’or
Description: Bettie Page = Love (…come on !). Twisted Love, but Love nonetheless…So, this is a twisted “love song” by the French synth-punk band Métal Urbain. Delicious lyrics, prerecorded gunshots and empty room reverberations for that special declaration of love. And as for the metal part, just listen to that guitar sound…
Track 6, submitted by rock01action
Track name: Shadowsphere
Artist: Infradig
Album: Gravel Tooth EP
Description: This track has always had a metallic feel to me, and has always struck me as good music to make love to. If nothing else, it’d be great background music for a photo montage of a 30’s pin-up girl.
Track 7, submitted by anzineer
Track name: Black Line Makes Me MON
Album: PowerShovelAudio
Description: she’s a 26 year old girl from osaka who rocks.
Track 8, submitted by brstp
Track name: Lesser Snake
Artist: Indian Jewelry
Album: Invasive Exotics
Description: the first picture i thought of when i saw the mix announcement was the one of bettie on the “bondage queen” cover, with a whip in her hand and a smile on her face. why anyone would be smiling for that is a puzzle to me, but anyway. this song just seems to be the perfect soundtrack to a bondage scene and the album title — invasive exotics — may be even better. makes you think about where that whip might be going…
Track 9, submitted by Hewinsd
Track name: Fifties Lady
Artist: Elevator to Hell
Album: Eerieconsiliation
Description: Obviously the track title gives this one away as do the lyrics. Bettie Page was an inspiration and also a public figure that many obsessed over. In this track Rick White seems to be obsessing over a 50s lady, and seeing the basic resemblance between Ricks wife Tara and Bettie one could only assume that on that late night TV. he was watching images of Page. Not to mention that this song has some really nice lo-fi elements.
Track 10, submitted by RGD
Track name: Cone Toaster
Artist: Black Dice
Album: Cone Toaster 12″
Description: An indirect tribute to Bettie Page’s wondrously sharp and pointy metal cones (which were possibly made from recycled toasters).
Track 11, submitted by mitten
Track name: Love (Via Machine)
Artist: Six Finger Satellite
Album: Machine Cuisine
Description: In this song a poor chump tragically learns that his woman prefers robot dong.
Track 12, submitted by palinilap
Track name: Headlines
Artist: Ex Models
Album: Chrome Panthers
Description: The irony of Ex Models immediately came to mind, as Bettie Page, in the latter half of her life, was an ex-model. Though not metal, per se, ‘Headlines’ stands out as a raucous and sexy tune you could trim your bangs to, or, I guess, headbang your bangs to. Especially the line, “the tighter the sweater, the tighter the better.”
Track 13,submitted by viker
Track name: Punchy Wunchy Wickey Wackey Woo
Artist: Hasil Adkins
Album: Wild Man
Description: The title of the compilation makes me think of down home wild sleazy rock n roll, and I couldn’t think of anyone better to fit that bill than the late great Hasil Adkins.
Track 14, submitted by doinko
Track name: Crummy Lovers Die In The Grave
Artist: The Fucking Champs
Album: V
Description: If Bettie Page was fucking metal, this is exactly what it would sound like. This is Bettie Page’s fucking theme-song. Wouldn’t YOU want Bettie Page to flog your ass to this song? I know I would. Ms. doinko just informed me that she fucking would too. Okay, okay, so maybe this choice seems a little too obvious, but perhaps everyone else here at #it thought using The Fucking Champs on this mix was also too obvious so they did not. Well, I am here to fucking do it. It is done.
Track 15, submitted by freezeman
Track name: Rock Candy
Artist: Genghis Tron
Album: Cloak of Love
Description: Both Bettie Page and Genghis Tron have a fierce duality. Bettie, the sexy pin-up girl that America longed for but underneath, she was the explicit sado-masocist. She was a “woman who dealt head-on with adversity, always looking forward, never looking back.” Tron, the fierce sonic assault that bridges thrash metal, electronics and the avant garde. Quickly flipping from assault to funky breakdown, with these guys, you never know what’s coming next.
Track 16, submitted by llawela
Track name: Iron Lady
Artist: Ruins
Album: Stonehenge
Description: “Iron Lady” is obviously Bettie ‘Fucking Metal’ Page. Like Ruins, Ms Page are loved for being both aggressive and beautiful.
Track 17, submitted by feedhead
Track name: Your Path To Divinity (The Endless Path)
Artist: Jesu
Album: Jesu (Japanese 2CD version)
Description: Dreamy, lush with a hint of something darker lurking just below the surface. Jesu & Bettie Page … both leading you down your path to divinity … both so fucking metal.
Track 18, submitted by u1oo
Track name: Décollage
Artist: Balayeurs du Désert
Album: Jules Verne Impact
Description: A nice chilly track to close with featuring the remixed vocals of jazz great Blossom Dearie. Contemporary and provocative with a nostalgic feel … much like our heroine.