here is the NFO file from Indietorrents
01 Psychomania
02 We No Longer Need You Frau
03 Oeuf!
04 Untempered
05 Like a White Gary Busey
06 Immune System
07 The Coming War With China
08 Overheard
09 The Lark
own rip from orig. cd-r.
Album info
http://chocolatemonk.co.uk/available.htm wrote:
“Dan Melchior was last heard of in the UK playing to living fossils in Camden for spare change and greasy handshakes, but THINGS HAVE CHANGED (if they were ever ‘the same’) – scattered and haunted sounds have been flowing from his North Carolina bunker, and the last few years have seen releases on Siltbreeze and Kye, and now the esteemed Chocolate Monk is taking the plunge too. Dan hopes you will enjoy this helping of ethereal nonsense” – Some guy in the know
Since landing in our lap this disk has been on heavy rotation, brings a smile to my otherwise dour Scots puss.