Aside from Swahili Blonde, we haven’t heard much from John Frusciante ever since the announcement of his split with the Red Hot Chili Peppers late last year. We did assume, though, that he’s been keeping busy, and now at least one intriguing project has come to light. Our friends at Antiquiet discovered that Frusciante and Mars Volta guitarist/filmmaker Omar Rodriguez Lopez have made an album together, which dropped fifteen minutes ago. Literally.
Though you can “name your price” for the 7-song instrumental set, all proceeds will go to “Keep Music In Schools” programs, so keep that good cause in mind when purchasing and/or downloading. This certainly fits in with Frusciante’s recent statement that he “doesn’t make music no more for profit or people.” We’re glad he’s still making music for charity at least!
This entire album is being released via Bandcamp with very few details about the circumstances of the collaboration made available so far, but lord knows I’m not complaining: these are two of the most talented rock guitarists around today. Enjoy!