here is the NFO file from Indietorrents
Artist : Times New Viking
Album : Stop Digging (Yourself)/Trinkets And Trivial Trash
Source :
Year : 2011
Genre :
Encoder : Unknown
Codec : LAME 3.97
Bitrate : VBR ~164K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
ID3-Tag : ID3v2.3
Ripped By : Unknown on 04/05/2011
Posted By : Unknown on 04/05/2011
Posted to :
Review / Description
I’m not sure what happened to the last torrent. Here’s a fresh one. Sorry!
This is a bonus cd for Dancer Equired which contains demos of those songs and an Axemen cover.
Norman Records Dancer Equired Review
Times New Viking’s new album ticks all the lo-fi or “shitgaze” boxes. Well being total slackers they probably don’t tick boxes they probably shuffle about smearing ink on bits of paper. Ticking boxes is like, so commercial man… Anyway, The Viking boys have done away with the Portasound four track recording schick and now have a well high budget sound that really compliments their song writing style. I mean it’s not like a Winger album or owt. It’s not (really gravely voice over ) “straight from the plains of Valhalla there is a new noise that can’t be ignored…three years in the making…” type high budget-ness. Like I said it’s more like you can hear all the elements working together. All the elements sound great (stop saying elements!). It’s a slacker master piece. Almost all the songs are amazing. It’s as if they own the rights to lo-fi pop songwriting. It reminds me of Guided By Voices or a lo-fi Sammy. The keyboards sound ace, the guitars are scratchy and there is!
a sense of fun running through the slackerdom. The album comes with a bonus CD that is rammed to the eyes with different versions of the songs that can be heard on the LP. These versions are more like the Vikings I know. These tracks are sweet. They are stupidly lo-fi and shambolic. Which should be enough to warrant a purchase
Track Listing
1. Punk Rock Is About A Lot Of Things #1 (0:20)
2. Somebodys Slave (Demo) (2:52)
3. Dont Go To Liverpool (Demo) (1:37)
4. Punk Rock Is About A Lot Of Things #2 (0:20)
5. Song For Saddam (1:57)
6. Downtown Eastern Bloc (Demo) (3:35)
7. Punk Rock Is About A Lot Of Things #3 (0:20)
8. Try Harder (Demo) (1:56)
9. (Try Harder) Outro (0:20)
10. Rocks In My Heart (2:56)
11. Revolution Waivers (Instrumental) (1:24)
Total Playing Time: 17:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26.1 MB (27,381,432 bytes)
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.NFO file created with NFO Sighting V1.0.469 on 04/05/2011 at 23:20
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