Stephen – Radar Of Small Dogs

here is the NFO file from Indietorrents


Artist: Stephen

Album: Radar Of Small Dogs [Flying Nun, 1988; 1993]

Label: Flying Nun

Year: 1993

Genre: Rock

RIAA Radar Status: SAFE

Encoder: iTunes v10.2.2

Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

Codec: LAME MP3

Avg Bit Rate: 268 kbps

Posted by: ZGASPEN

Description / Review:


Track Listing


[01/14] Loved By You (2:05) 275 kbps 9.41 MB

[02/14] Little Audrey (2:31) 271 kbps 10.18 MB

[03/14] Don’t Now Why (2:39) 271 kbps 10.48 MB

[04/14] Thinkin’ About You (2:18) 269 kbps 9.77 MB

[05/14] Tape Machine (1:22) 267 kbps 7.91 MB

[06/14] Windy Day (2:42) 274 kbps 10.61 MB

[07/14] Blowing (2:12) 270 kbps 9.56 MB

[08/14] Crystal (2:38) 268 kbps 10.38 MB

[09/14] Spins You ‘Round (3:31) 268 kbps 12.05 MB

[10/14] Mary Had A Steamboat (2:51) 269 kbps 10.83 MB

[11/14] Tender Shoots (2:09) 270 kbps 9.48 MB

[12/14] Glover (2:48) 269 kbps 10.70 MB

[13/14] Relic (3:13) 257 kbps 11.22 MB

[14/14] Hedgehogs (3:07) 258 kbps 11.05 MB

Total number of files: 14

Total size of files: 143.68 MB

Total playing time: 36:06

Generated: Saturday, May 26, 2012 10:46:00 AM

Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1

Compilation info

Several FN/NZ classics still missing and we’ll see how many I can upload in and out of the weekend…most all 256 rips I did and uploaded here back when I first joined….

David Kilgour has recorded some amazing tunes, but Stephen has always been at the top of the bunch exceeding anything done with the Clean. Not sure why that is, but I revisit David’s work 10x more often than the Clean (and never listen to the Bats), but possibly that’s just me. Several of the best songs David ever recorded are featured on this compilation of tunes recorded with Stephen Kilroy et all 1988-1990.

Absolutely essential.

From Flying Nun:

David Kilgour’s idea of pop music was encapsulated in Dumb, the name he gave this band’s 1988 Flying Nun EP. There was no self-demeaning intent; it’s just that David subscribes fully to the Brian Wilson school of songwriting and believes that “dumb” is the essence of pop’s appeal. It’s not like Stephen were just the Ramones or anything, though. For a band that lasted just a couple of years as a haywire pop outfit on the periphery of the Dunedin scene, only making it up to Auckland in 1988 to record that QEII-funded EP, they did manage to add a little spice and a lot of spirit to the pop brew in their short time.

Stephen played a barreling kind of fast and loud pop music, noisy and rough around the edges. Their jet-propelled energy–David’s songs and his big white guitar, with former Goblin Mix bassist Alf Danielson and drummer Geoff Hoani pounding out a rhythm that usually sounded like it was flailing itself right around the song–made this band a joy to behold. After Stephen Kilroy joined on second guitar, gigs in places like the tiny Empire got louder and better. The group fell apart partway through recording an album at Stephen Kilroy’s Fish Street studio – David rejoining The Clean and eventually recording his solo LP, Here Come the Cars, while Alf and Stephen went on to form Chug.

The Radar of Small Dogs CD marks the reappearance of the entire Stephen Dumb EP, plus six tracks from the group’s lengthy album recording sessions and a couple of live numbers recorded in Christchurch. The story is best told in the sound of the group on disc, all ringing guitars and growling bottom end, and in David Kilgour’s wonderfully understated liner notes (“By now the band is generally seen as an excuse for lots of male bonding… I guess there is no direction apart from wanting to record good music and have some fun.”)