here is the info file from Dime
Sun Ra
June 24, 1982
Mannheim, West Germany
Songs do not exactly correspond to the track splits, but it is close.
Great sound quality despite unknown lineage.
Disc One
1. Introduction (Allen-kora; and perc only)
2. Astro Black (Ra) (Jacson-Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Tyson-voc)
3. Along Came Ra (Ra) (Tyson-voc)
4. Discipline 27 (Ra) (Brown-tp and Hill-tb; conducted ens; Allen- as; Omoe-bcl; Hill-tb; Ra-syn; conducted ens; Gilmore-falsetto ts)
5. Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra) (Ra-p)
6. unidentified blues (Ra) (Ra-p)
7. Big John’s Special (H. Henderson)
8. Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington)
9. Happy as the Day Is Long (Arlen-Koehler)
10. Watusa (Ra)
11. Space Is the Place — We Travel the Spaceways (Ra)
Disc Two
1. unidentified drum ensemble
2. unidentified slow theme (Trent says this is a “remarkable” piece that never appeared on a released recording) Discipline 27-II — Bad Truth — Sea of Immortality (Ra)
3. The Fight of All Humanity (Ra)
4. ‘Round Midnight (Hanighen-Williams-Monk) (Ra-org; Gilmore- ts)
5. Solitude (Ellington-Mills) (“turbocharged”; Gilmore-rutilant ts)
6. Sophisticated Lady (Carney-Mills-Ellington) (Ra-org)
7. What’s New? (Burke-Haggart) (“even more breathless”, Brown-tp solo is “fired up”; Gilmore-ts, is likewise)
8. Queer Notions (Hawkins) (Gilmore-ts; Brown-tp; Gilmore-ts)
9. Love in Outer Space (Ra) (Ra-org)
Disc Three
1. Moonship Journey / Do the Thang / Sun Ra and his Band from Outer Space (Ra) (Tyson and ens voc; Moonship is calypsoish)
2. They’ll Come Back (Ra)
3. I’ll Wait for You (Ra)
4. A Lost Horizon (Ra) (encore; Tyson and ens. voc.; freakout solos)
5. A Lost Horizon (Ra) (encore; Tyson and ens. voc.; freakout solos)
The Arkestra: Ronnie Brown-tp; Longinieu Parsons-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob, kora; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; James Jacson-bsn, fl, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum; Eloe Omoe-as, bcl; contra-alto cl; Sun Ra-p, org, keyb, voc; Rollo Radford-b; Hayes Burnett-b; Tommy “Bugs” Hunter- d; Clifford Jarvis-d; Eric “Samurai” Walker-d; June Tyson-voc; Beverley Parsons-dance; Carla Washington-dance; Greg Pratt-dance.