Beat Mark – Howls of Joy


Beat Mark’s LP “Howls of Joy”, a marvelous pop-rock album with garage overtones has been giving us pins and needles in the legs for few months now. And their heady songs have haunted us the whole summer, from the Parisian asphalt to the Costarmoricans beaches, from the shower till late at night. Trying to break the mystery of this magician-like band- which managed through two or three well-done tunes to be part of our daily life- was the only thing remaining for us to do.

After a gig in which a guitar which sounds very garage came to offset choral pop songs, we sat with the guitar player Gaetan, the singer Julien, the other singer and keyboardist Karin, the bass player Sylvain and the drummer Chloe at a Formica table to have a beer and, secondarily, to ask them few questions.

x: Your first LP “Howls of Joy”:

Karin : It has been released by “Final Taxi Records”. Right before that we had released the tape on the label Burger Records., from the western part of the USA.

Chloé : : It’s a label which releases a lot of tapes. They’re situated near Los Angeles. I met them when I was on tour with Yussuf Jerusalem, my former band (laughs). And they’re really cool. They have a band called Thee Makeout Party, it sounds very pop. Concerning Beat Mark, it has been done through the intermediary of a friend of mine who worked for them in Europe. She made them listen to our songs, which they liked a lot and so released.

Gaétan : And that very girl whom we know from Bordeaux, she organized a concert of Viva l’american death ray Music, which she was managing at that time and which we found really great. And so we spent three very cool days with them… Now she’s managing Harlem with another friend of us who plays in The Weakends and who’s a really cool guy, and so on… (laughs).