here is the NFO file from Indietorrents
Artist: Guinea Worms
Album: Box of Records
Label: Columbus Discount
Year: 2008
Genre: Rock
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
Codec: MP3 192 CBR
Posted by: roblivian
Track listing
[01/02] Box of Records (04:00) 5.63 MB 192 kbps
[02/02] I’m a Cobweb (04:53) 6.87 MB 192 kbps
Total number of files: 2
Total size of files: 12.50 MB
Total playing time: 8:53
Generated: Fri Nov 23 23:15:19 2012
Created with: gen-nfo.pl ($Revision: 1.8 $)
Single info
from http://www.terminal-boredom.com/reviews18.html
“Box of Records”, a song someone already described as the modern-day “Louie, Louie”, is another in a long-line of Columbus anthems, perhaps the descendent of (or a piss-take on) “Negative Guest List” or “Letter to a Fanzine” in its sort of music-as-life referential nod. It’s quite the simple garage-slop tune, and one that’s as catchy as you might imagine…almost annoyingly so. The first dozen listens or so had me thinking it was pretty good, but not as life-altering as the pre-release hype machine was making it out to be…the next dozen listens has me thinking this song is really fucking annoying…then I put it away for a few days, and the next dozen listens had me hooked. It’s some real dunderheaded genius that may go on for just a little too long. It’s also little like any Guinea Worms tune I’ve heard before, a band who tended to sound more like weird-punk inna Fall-via-Country Teasers way than dumbed-out one-two garage schlock. The B-Side is truer to form though, a dirge-like knuckle-dragger with sax bleats and a wah-guitar anti-solo. You can’t help but notice the little Columbus inside jokes either, from the Mike Rep (who recorded the EP at Columbus’ legendary Used Kids records) potshot on the back to the perhaps tounge-in-cheekiness of “Box of Records” itself. A great and smart record any way you slice it, and it’s nice to see some more G-Worms vinyl after years of existence and CD-R circulation.