here is the NFO file from Indietorrents
Codec…………….: LAME 3.98
Version…………..: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality…………..: Extreme, (avg. bitrate: 249kbps)
Channels………….: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz
Tags……………..: ID3 v2.3
Album info
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN – I am most pleased to announce that despite decades of rumors to the contrary…. RAVEN LIVES!!!! After he recorded and pressed 300 copies of the legendary “Back to OHIO BLUES” LP in 1975 at Columbus, Ohios legendary Owl Studios, (of which you are now holding the only LEGITIMATE reissue) he split for California and later joined the Armed Forces and ended up in Europe, recording what he calls Basement tapes. Raven (he prefers his real name be kept anonymous for now) still writes songs and goofs off a lot in his studio. According to family sources, hes been working with a few people on ( Believe this or not RAVEN BACK TO OHIO BLUES TWO ). So when recently informed of the Mythical status of this LP of 30-some years ago,(which sells for well over $IOOO a copy), he laughed heartily. Makes sense considering that back in the day he NEVER SOLD A SINGLE COPY ; it was a pure vanity press which he made to give away to friends and whoever cared to listen!! and so his amusement is certainly understandable. Recorded with the help of musician friends who never performed live together, only during these studio sessions. Raven is one of the classic D.I.Y. characters who never really had much use for the “Rock N Roll Dream Machine” of being a rockstar. He made the music because it was INSIDE of him & needed to be expressed, the true measure of all forms of genius (in my “Hummel” opinion). Like a shark has to swim to breathe, Raven had to record his honest gut-wrenching creations, perhaps exorcising his demons onto wax one could say. Anyone who has already heard this amazing Psyched-out Blues Rock classic KNOWS just what a beast he unleashed on an unsuspecting world, and now YOU dear reader have an opportunity to hear for yourself the awesome angst -driven RAW POWER that is “Back To Ohio Blues”. One question many of you may have is, “Is there MORE of this stuff yet unreleased?” and the answer is… YES!!! A release of this material is also in the offing so keep your ears peeled for a future Raven release too! Personally I cant wait, and I consider being one to help spread this Good News a true honor. Its great to know Raven is alive & well and again ready to spring his unique sounds upon an unwary world! – hopefully this time around, the world is ready.” – Mike “Rep” Hummel