heroes the NFO file from Indietorrents
Original Release / Fnord / 001
Uploaded by chris739 2 days and 39 mins ago
Xiu Xiu – Respectful & Clean
Artist……………: Xiu Xiu
Album…………….: Respectful & Clean
Source……………: CD
Year……………..: 2015
Ripper……………: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec…………….: LAME 3.99
Version…………..: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality…………..: Extreme, (avg. bitrate: 236kbps)
Channels………….: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz
Tags……………..: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3
1. Xiu Xiu – Desistance [16:40]
2. Xiu Xiu – Mine [14:12]
Playing Time………: 30:53
Total Size………..: 52.33 MB
NFO generated on…..: 11/23/2016 10:31:08 PM
:: Generated by Music NFO Builder v1.21a – www.nfobuilder.com ::
Album info
Excerpt from Inyourspeakers:
The first of the side-long cuts, “Desistance,” begins with a simple blaring synth line backed by some helicopter-style buffeting before approaching an even temper. Glacial, low hums undergird the scene as bent notes and flashes of harsh noise fly into earshot and disappear as quickly as they arose. Over the seventeen-minute lifespan, the track shifts between disparate passages such as these, none of them full enough to stand alone, but none weak enough to topple the endeavor. Texture is the primary focus, generating unease through protracted tones and subtly shifting noise. The relative simplicity of the composition—there may only be three or four elements at once at the album’s busiest—only underscores the importance of close listening and consideration of each component as it drifts (or in some cases explodes) in and out of perception. How does this tone, the impenetrable funereal organ, this materia prima, fail us? “Desistance” seems to be about falling apart. The track lapses into silence with five minutes remaining, recovering with an ominous rumble, a new and distorted take on the baser metals and salts that have compromised the experience so far. Disjuncture, disruption, start again.
The second side, “Mine,” begins with a feint, a machine-gun frenzy of claps before moving into dolorous chords on a synth organ, resurrecting the elegiac atmosphere entertained on Side A in a slow, guttering dirge. Guitars enter with notes sustained far beyond their natural lifespans alongside more static shots of noise. The side ends on a swampy and sweaty note. Murky bass tones mingle with metallic rattling and fried electronic screams. It’s as discomforting as you want, asking the listener to bury itself into the bog. It’s a dismal end as the whole tape moves towards stagnation, an unsettled silence.