New Model Army – Like A Storm

here is the info file from Dime

New Model Army
Like a Storm (Magic Mushrooms, MMR-CD 9205, 1992)
Rock City, Nottingham
possibly FM

01 225
02 The Hunt
03 The Charge
04 Stupid Questions
05 Inheritance
06 Drag it Down
07 Vagabonds
08 125 mph
09 Family Life
10 I Love the World
11 Great Expectations
12 No Rest
13 51st State
14 Smalltown England
15 Poison Street
16 White Coats
17 Betcha

Total time: 65:21

Source: Silver CD -> xACT -> Flac 8 -> You

Additional infos from

Live at Rock City, Nottingham, UK, 1989.

(Claims to be live in Holland ’89.)
Same show as Sadistic Pleasures EP.
Sound quality: good (possibly FM broadcast).


At the beginning of ’51st State’ Justin says: ‘Rock City is nothing more than a folk club really, at heart.’ Close to the end of
‘Smalltown England’ he shouts: ‘Smalltown Nottinghamshire’.