here is the info file from Dime
Freak Valley Festival 2013
AWO Park, Netphen, Germany
May – 31 – 2013
Second day / Act # 9 (22:20 -> 23:30)
It’s a SPACEBANDIT, so you’re in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R mics -> Zoom H2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> HD -> Audacity (edit/volume balance/boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND…
Recorded by yours truly at first row right side of the stage, directly taped from the speaker stack. This was a very crowded show, most liked THE MOST CROWDED on that festival.
Sounds a bit like a soundboard recording, with almost no audience audible, but some buzz and fuzz from the amplifiers. Also, this is a quite bassheavy recording, so take care of your speakers, cause I don’t want to be responsible for the big grin on the face of your local hifidealer…Oh, did I mention a LOT OF FUZZ? Yeah, but that’s just the music.
Some cool pics by dear LORD DIE are included as well…
First of all I’d like to express my deepest thanks to all those organizers/volunteers/security people who made this second edition of FREAK VALLEY possible. Thank you very very much, as last year, despite the difficult weather conditions, it was a place felt like home. Also, a big thanks to the entrance guy who let us park/sleep on the usual ground, just a mere 100 meters walk to the stage. Refreshing “batteries” between acts is a very important thing. And the four of our gang did not leave a ciggy trace there on sundaze morning.
Second thanks to my taping buddies, BLUESHACKS and MIROH, for lifting the burden of ongoing taping day for day from me. YOU both guys did the really hard work, whereas me poor little soul just managed to do a few of the acts. I wasn’t in really fine condition, but was I really ever into that? So, when the water went dry (a joke I shouldn’t do, regarding the flood desaster in southern/easter Germany, or Czechia/Poland), there was a great friend of mine, Mr. RENDEL to his advanced service. Hands down, he might give you the best tapes from this.
Oh, well, on a personal note: This festival was visited by a mostly younger crowd, and all the tapers there were at least 44+ of age. Hmmm…that’s me. Hmmm…where are the rookies?
Another mighty fine show from lovely FREAK VALLEY 2013 is “ante portas” of your ears and mind. While other bands may have earned more success in their longer career, this band from the land of the roaring three lions was DEFINITELY the people’s headliner. The space in front of the stage was packed to the limit, and luckily the drunken idiots from the band before where nowhere to be seen. Maybe a bit of too different sound, as the UNCLE ACID provided a sound of very early BLACK SABBATH mixed with BEATLESeque vocal harmonies, a ton of fuzzguitars, and the theatralic aspect from old ALICE COOPER shows. All mixed up very well done, so it’s no wonder that they got the opening slot for the upcoming BLACK SABBATH “13” tour. Judging from objective musical view they will blow the headliner off the stage, but as I know, the sound will be lower and definitely not up to the SAB, most people will have a beer or what else during their shows. What a pity…but time will show the wiser, and a career in the same matter as MONSTER MAGNET once did is most likely. Therefor I was happy to catch this great band on such a small festival. Might not be a possibility in future. And now…get yourself ready, fasten your belts, lighten one up…and enjoy! SB.
FULL SHOW (68:38 min.)
01. Space intro/ Volker’s annoucement (3:03)
02. I’ll cut you down (5:21)
03. Crystal spiders (4:22)
04. Mount Abraxas (7:52)
05. Mind crawler (4:47)
06. I’m here to kill you (4:08)
07. Valley of the dolls (7:39)
08. Desert ceremony (5:35)
09. Death’s door (9:20)
10. Poison apple (4:20)
11. Dead air encore call (2:48)
12. Over and over again (3:36)
13. Vampire circus (5:40)
Valley of the dolls is deadicated to Sharon Tate.
the usual facebook/myspace sites…
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker posting!
If you sell…how much ACID can you take?
K.R. Starrs – guitar, lead vocals
Yotam Rubinger – guitar, harmony vocals
Itamar Rubinger – drums (nice shirt!)
Dean Millar – bass
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/06/27.