Thelonious Monk – Something In Blue (1971) [FLAC] {Black Lion, TKCB-30742}
Artist:……. Thelonious Monk
Recording Date:1971
Label:…….. Black Lion
Catalogue no:. TKCB-30742
Format:……. 1CD
Genre:…….. Jazz
Style:…….. Bop Post-Bop
01 Blue Sphere 2:27
02 Hackensack 7:55
03 Nice Work If You Can Get It 5:14
04 Criss Cross 3:44
05 Something In Blue 6:41
06 Evidence 5:26
07 Jackie-Ing 3:30
08 Nutty 4:42
Review by Scott Yanow @ AMG
Thelonious Monk’s final sessions as a leader..Heard in unaccompanied piano solos and in a trio with bassist Al McKibbon and drummer Art Blakey, Monk is in surprisingly exuberant form, still very much at the peak of his powers…
flac, cue sheet (Noncompliant), log, m3u, ffp, st5, md5, info.txt, self-scans and EAC screen.jpg
Ripped with:
EAC V1.0 beta1
Encode with:
FLAC 1.2.1 20070917
600 dpi png. Straightened, cropped and edited with Photoshop CS2 and downsized to 300 dpi png.