here is the info file from Dime
OK, I’m getting away from the Johnny Winter uploads for now, & I’m gonna do a reseed.
Some of you may remember this offer from DocTinker back in Nov. 2005. These tracks are a combination of some from my collection & some from Doc’s collection.
The majority of what’s below is from Doc’s original info file. I rearranged a little & added checksum files. These are the exact same flac files.
…. ENJOY!!!*****************************************************************
CANNED HEAT: 60s Live & Studio Acetates plus MoreHey Friends, here’s some very rare stuff from the Canned Heat, which Roryglzep sent to me for transfer & upload! Many thanks for sending this uncirculating material to me and sharing with us!
This torrent consists of various Canned Heat rarities which I arranged to give you a listenable Canned Heat compilation CD!
The soundquality varies, from great to B+ quality!
The acetates here, are including mostly unreleased songs, and I even never heard stuff like this was existing….
Unfortunately the Acetates are not really great quality and some have skips, but they are still very listenable! …. MP3 sample below!
Together with the other rarities I included, you are able to download a nice CANNED HEAT Rarities Compilation here!!16 tracks = 64:33 minutes
Playboy after Dark TV show 10/68:
01 Bob Hite Interview by Hugh Hefner
02 Turpentine Moan (fades in)Playboy after Dark TV show 3/70
03 Future BluesBeat Club 71 (intros by Uschi Nerke)
04 Long way from LA
05 Big City Girl
06 I’m a Man (sbd or FM, live Amsterdam 71)Studio Acetates:
07 World in a Jug (unreleased Version w/Sunnyland Slim Piano, 9/18/67)
08 Red Hot Mama (unreleased Studio Acetate 1968)Live Acetates: rec.1968?
O9 Pony Blues
10 Working on the Project (cuts in beginning)
11 Turn your Lights down low(fades in)
12 Let’s work together (London, RAH, 1970, skips in Beginning)Jug Band Acetates: voc. & guitar; Alan, The "Bear": Jug Band stuff
(60’s Homerecordings, directly on Acetate, Skips!))
13 Shake it and Break it
14 One Kind Favor
15 ? (Country Blues)
16 Interview w/Alan, about the history of "Pony Blues" for a student project 1968—————————————————
Tracks 1-2, 7-11:
Bob " The Bear" Hite: voc, harp
Alan Wilson: g, voc,harp
Henry Vestine: g,
Fito de la Parra: drums
Larry Taylor: bassTracks 3 & 12:
Harvey Mandel replaces Henry VestineBeat Club 71:
Bob "The Bear" Hite: voc, harp
Fito de la Parra: drums
Adolfo de la Barreda: bass
Joel Scott Hill: voc, g
Skip Taylor ?: piano
Henry Vestine joined Canned Heat later on this tour, because he lost his passport in the US, before the flew to Europe.Track 4: Same as above, plus Henry Vestine, less Skip Taylor
Lineage: Unknown Gen Cass> Nak ZX7> PDR05> EAC> Cool Edit pro> Flac
Beat Club tracks from my Masters!Enjoy this incredible rare piece of Canned Heat History!!