Dead Can Dance – Ailema

here is the info file from Dime

The band: Dead Can Dance
Venue: Cirque Royale
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date: October 1, 1993
Source: Audience
Lineage: My silver disc>EAC>Cool Edit> FLAC Frontend Level 8
Artwork: Yes, included
Title: Ailema
Label: GEMA VR/50014
Set list:
1. Amelia [Sailing The Seas]
2. Lost treasure [Oman]
3. Cantara
4. Ignis Factus [Gloridean]
5. Mourner Rose
6. Forest Of Souls
7. Severance
8. Xenophyte [Swans]
9. Redark
10. Empty Dreams [Don’t Fade Away]
11. Yulunga [Spirit Dance]
12. Persian Love Song
13. Garden Of Refuge [Rakim]
14. The Song Of Sybil
15. Crystal Palace [Desert song]
16. Angel Tears [Tristan+Sanvean]
After searching around I don’t think this RoIO has been here before, I picked
this show up from an independent store in California (U.S.A) about thirteen years ago at the time
this place was going out of business because of being busted two times for selling RoIO’s
and the guy gave me a nice deal on some silver discs, this one here ran me at half the price
of fifteen U.S. dollars. The sound quality on this show isn’t bad, actually, pretty good !
Although I don’t believe this is a digital source but, it may be analog because I
do hear some hiss but, that may be very well be coming from the PA unit from
the stage.
To share a personal story with you, I got into this band right around the time this show was
actually performed, a friend I was in the military with coming back from the middle east,
said to me," I see your into Grunge, Metal and Progressive rock but, you need a variation
of music to heal the; ‘war torn weary mind’, and take a listen to this band and let it grow on you".
He handed me his copy of the Cd called; "Into The Labyrinth" and after listening to it two or three times,
I went out and bought my own copy and then proceeded to buy everything from them ever since, I was
hooked ! Lastly, I would also like to say that the only band consisting with the name; "Dead"
that I have in my music collection is the one that; "Can Dance", lol !!! ( if you get what I mean :)
Enjoy !