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Nawksh – Mythic Tales of Tomorrow II [2016] [Album]
Original Release / Guruguru Brain / GGB-004
Uploaded by smallpaul 1 hour and 12 mins ago
Artist: Nawksh
Album: Mythic Tales of Tomorrow II (2016, Guruguru Brain)
Year: 2016
RIAA Radar Status: SAFE
Sample Rate: 48.0 kHz
Avg Bit Rate: 256 kbps
Posted by: smallpaul
Description / Review:
A psychedelic tune smith and game developer from Karachi/Pakistan, Nawksh produces music from a fantasy future world called CERATYL, with three low-key independent release since 2012 and a 2016 LP release on Guruguru Brain.
Hailing from Pakistan’s musical capital Karachi, Nawksh is one of the most important – and adventurously weird – music producers within the growing underground music scene. This is his first analog title to be released on 12” records. Imagine putting elements of L.A.’s beat scene, 2010s’ New Age, 2000s’ psychedelia such as Animal collective or Boredoms, and Warp Records’ techno music into a salad bowl and mixing them together. It has an abstract, experimental feeling thanks to Nawksh’s unique sense of pop and ambient music. The album is a shining example of modern psychedelia with the ritualistic ethnic beats of First Friend on A.2, the dreamy shimmer that is WAG on A.7, and the following track Where Would You Be. The finale, Exile & Mirror, is a full 12 minute druggy wave of electronic beats and looped drone sounds. This track is collaboration with fellow Karachi based artist, SMAX. Nawksh is leading a new generation of electronic psychedelia, which is unique beyond comparison.
Track Listing
[01/10] Press Start (0:25)
[02/10] First Friend (2:16)
[03/10] Its Not A Secret (0:38)
[04/10] Down The Rodent Hole (1:47)
[05/10] Come On In, Smile Snatcher (0:37)
[06/10] Scoop Out The Brain (1:14)
[07/10] Wag (2:17)
[08/10] Where Would You Be (2:28)
[09/10] Dry Hug Good Bye (1:55)
[10/10] Exile & A Mirror (Ft. Smax) (12:38)
Total playing time: 26:15
Generated: Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 10:58:01 AM
Created with: #indie.torrents NFO Generator (Mac) v2.3b1